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Thread: Citalopram week 5 20mg anxiety high

  1. #1

    Citalopram week 5 20mg anxiety high

    Morning all, has anyone found it takes longer to work the 2nd time round? I've been on 20mg for 5 weeks, it seemed to be working at around 3 weeks/ish and I felt good, had some good days, even at 2 weeks I had some good days. but for the last 5ish days now my anxiety has been high again, feeling nauseous and tired again. It doesn't help because last week I was on antibiotics called clarithromycin and they caused an anxiety spike and Panic which is apparently well known symptoms of the medication but my GP still gave me them knowing my history 😢

    I still think 5 weeks is early days but just wondering if anyone else has had a dip at a similar time? Xxx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Citalopram week 5 20mg anxiety high

    Quote Originally Posted by Jadenatalie View Post
    Morning all, has anyone found it takes longer to work the 2nd time round?
    Yes, ADs often take longer to kick-in the second time. The side-effects may also be more severe and/or different each time too.

    I've been on 20mg for 5 weeks, it seemed to be working at around 3 weeks/ish and I felt good, had some good days, even at 2 weeks I had some good days.
    ADs typically take 5-12 weeks to kick-in with most seeing improvement at around week 6. ADs don't directly treat anxiety and depression, but stimulate the growth of new brain cells in the hippocampal regions of the brain. The new cells produce the therapeutic response and they take about 7 weeks to bud, grow and mature.

    but for the last 5ish days now my anxiety has been high again, feeling nauseous and tired again. It doesn't help because last week I was on antibiotics called clarithromycin and they caused an anxiety spike and Panic which is apparently well known symptoms of the medication but my GP still gave me them knowing my history 😢
    The infection will probably have increased your anxiety levels independent of the antibiotic. An immune system in overdrive may trigger or worsen anxiety and depression. In several respects, anxiety and depression are the symptoms of an immune system disorder. Patients taking immune system boosting meds such as interferon to treat viral diseases and cancers are now often also routinely prescribed an AD because of this. Immune system proteins may also reduce the effectiveness of antidepressants.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  3. #3

    Re: Citalopram week 5 20mg anxiety high

    Thanks for the response PDU! Yes I'm definitely finding the side effects lasting longer this time round and the progress is slower, I spoke to my GP and he said to keep going with it for at least another 4 weeks so that's what I'll do. I'm keeping myself as busy as possible and going out for a walk even if it's just 10 mins a day. The antibiotics have messed up my gut which is turn has made me feel pretty groggy now but I'm on probiotics so hopefully theyll help! Fluoxetine and citalopram have both worked amazingly in the past for me so I can't see why an Ssri wouldn't work again now x

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