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Thread: Light headed/dizzy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    , , Canada.

    Light headed/dizzy

    Well once again i ran back to my doctor.. And what did he say you may ask? He said "go home and don't worry, theres nothing more i can do, you already had every test"

    I've had a ct scan, EKG, blood work, balance test, ear tests.. I've seen at least 5 doctors about this. Its down to anxiety.. So hard to belive that anxiety can make you light headed/dizzy 24/7.. Hardest thing that i've had to deal with thus far in my life and its now going on 5+ months with these darn symtoms..

    Help Me people.. Please?

  2. #2

    Re: Light headed/dizzy

    Joe I absolutely understand your thoughts on this. Sometimes I just cannot believe anxiety can cause my symptoms. I also get lightheaded and dizzy and have had ct scan, mri, electrodes stuck to my head and all is perfect. Other than a little inner ear issue which is harmless.

    It's the anxiety plain and simple. I have been dealing with it for about 1 year.

    I highly recommend cbt. Has worked for me.

    Take care,


  3. #3

    Re: Light headed/dizzy

    HI, I am just beginning to realise after joining this site and reading the posts that dizzyness and lightheadedness that I suffer from can be caused by anxiety. I have said before, the mind is an extremely powerful thing!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Light headed/dizzy

    I had mine for over 2 years - it never went and drove me barmy!

    Exercise and diet helped mine and correct breathing techniques.

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Light headed/dizzy

    Hey Hun,i lose my footing at times and i am sure folk think iam sloshed It is horrid,but as soon as you start toget well[and you will ]it will fade away!Mine was sooo bad for years the dr told me i had vertigo.but i did not It was the anxiety.I know because if i have a few bad days[we all get them!]thre dizziness and nausea come back so ignore it,and it fades away again,Believe it ,and it will happen!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Light headed/dizzy

    yeah breathing is the most helpfull tool for dizzy feelings, this is what i try to do and it does help.

  7. #7

    Re: Light headed/dizzy

    Hey Joe,

    I sympathise with you completely, I have this all the time and it is horrible . It is such a physical symptom and is difficult to pass off as a symptom of anxiety i know - but that is what it is. The most difficult thing in combating it is not trying too hard for it to disappear. Accept you are dizzy and walk on, don't fight it desperatly. Another thing that I noticed, is that when im dizzy i tend to look at my feet and slouch. If you do this too, it makes it alot better if you look ahead and take in your surroundings and stand a bit taller. Sounds a bit obvious, but its easier to inwardly wallow in the feeling of dizzyness and physically you will follow suit...then hat chance has our poor body of healing itself!!

    I know it is awful, but the more you try and get on with being active and distracting your mind with the world around you, the better chance your body has of re-adjusting. It own't happen over night, i still haven't got over it at all, but im learning to let it wash over me.

    I've said it a few times, but Claire Weekes has helped me so much - she made me realise that you cannot strive to relax, you have to put yourself in the right frame of mind to allow your body to do it on its own. As soon as ya start tryin - ya not relaxin!

    Good luck with it Joe, let us know how you're getting on!!
    "Such a warm day, milk was a bad choice"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Light headed/dizzy

    ive had this for around 2 year now,its stops me doing things because im scared as it makes me feel i cant go anywhere on my own and sometimes as though nim not in control like im going to faint.i just want to be normal.i can totally understand how you feel.

    lou x

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Light headed/dizzy

    I don't know if it follows the same process for everyone, but I find it seems to be my eyes that cause the problem - when I'm really anxious, I get really 'spaced out'. I think it must be the body's way of dealing with it, you know by shutting out anything which is not strictly necessary (like concentrating on something). As a result, I don't find I can focus that well, and that seems to lead to dizziness.

    Strange, but true (in my case anyway!).


  10. #10

    Re: Light headed/dizzy

    I know this thread is old..but has anyone had success in overcoming this 24/7 lightheadedness yet? I've had mine for 8 months and I'm getting really discouraged that I will have this for years

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