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Thread: Absolutely petrified as looking like endoscopy imminent, can anyone reassure please?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2018

    Absolutely petrified as looking like endoscopy imminent, can anyone reassure please?

    HI all

    I have been suffering with bloating, nausea and like a gnawing pain for about 5 weeks now and it feels like it is getting worse especially the nausea at night. I am on no meds at the moment, Omeprazole did not agree with me so I am just suffering at the moment. I know the right thing to do is to have the endoscopy , my GP made an urgent referral for me as she knew how much it is affecting me alongside of my health anxiety which is crippling at the moment, I live on my own dont really have any meaningful support and i am feeling wretched and hopeless. I dont want the sedative as I am scared of the implications of this and not being in control. I also dont what my throat numbed as i know this will make me panic about my breathing as i wont be able to feel it , would rather not have the numbing spray or sedative but the thought of the procedure horrifies me!! Please can anyone help I am desperate..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Absolutely petrified as looking like endoscopy imminent, can anyone reassure plea

    I’ve had two of these and they aren’t too awful but I do think you should either the numbing spray or the sedative because it’s not a very lovely feeling having a tube down your throat. Personally I recommend the sedative which just makes you feel pleasantly drunk. Not out of it at all, just maybe two glasses of wine, a nice relaxed happy feeling. The procedure itself is very quick and doesn’t hurt- it’s just uncomfortable. Feel free to pm me if you like

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2018

    Re: Absolutely petrified as looking like endoscopy imminent, can anyone reassure plea

    Thank you for your reply i do appreciate it.. I dont like the thought of my throat being numb as i know i will panic about my breathing as i tend to gasp for air when i am anxious and if i cant feel my throat i will really panic :( I am worried about the sedative as i wont be in control and worry i might have an allergic reaction or weird reaction to it.. i know i am catastrophising but i really cant help it, I am even thinking about starting to go on meds for anxiety as it is ruining my life.. How long did it take? and thanks again you are very kind x

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Absolutely petrified as looking like endoscopy imminent, can anyone reassure plea

    The whole thing was over in about 20 minutes. The tube is actually down your throat for probably about 5 minutes. The numbing spray does make your throat feel a bit swollen and it tastes disgusting - like fake bananas. But the sedative - it didn’t make me fee out of control at all. Just relaxed and a bit happy. It was actually quite nice.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2018

    Re: Absolutely petrified as looking like endoscopy imminent, can anyone reassure plea

    Thank you for your reply I am still torn between sedative and just going through it but without the throat spray. I am meeting with the gastroenterologist this afternoon to go through my issues and options. I rang up and explained about my crippling anxiety.. Will let you know how it goes.. My anxiety is off the scale at the moment probably not helping with my symptoms!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Absolutely petrified as looking like endoscopy imminent, can anyone reassure plea

    Go with the sedative mate. I'd rather have 20 bum cams over a throat one any day...

    Tell them about your anxiety and they will help you.

    Let us know how you go on. X
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Absolutely petrified as looking like endoscopy imminent, can anyone reassure plea

    Quote Originally Posted by NoraB View Post
    Go with the sedative mate. I'd rather have 20 bum cams over a throat one any day...

    Tell them about your anxiety and they will help you.

    Let us know how you go on. X
    Me too. But it’s not soooo awful and it’s over very quickly. The sedative almost makes the whole thing worth while though :-)
    (the only reason I had four children was because I loved the gas and air!!)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2018

    Re: Absolutely petrified as looking like endoscopy imminent, can anyone reassure plea

    Thanks guys i just have anxiety around being allergic and having a reaction to the sedative !! The joys of HA mine is crippling me at the moment.. I would rather not have it but dont know if i will be able to tolerate it :( I am meeting the Gastroenterologist this afternoon to discuss my issues etc and my symptoms. I wonder how much of it has been down to anxiety causing physical symptoms! I cant carry on with this though awful nausea and that hungry gnawing pain .. x

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2018

    Re: Absolutely petrified as looking like endoscopy imminent, can anyone reassure plea

    I met the Gastroenterologist today and to say that his bedside manner was not good would be an understatement. he did nothing to alleviate my anxiety infact he exacerbated it :( I have decided now to take Lansoprazole for a couple of weeks to see if that makes any difference to my symptoms... Its a nightmare really as i just want to feel better.

  10. #10
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    May 2008

    Re: Absolutely petrified as looking like endoscopy imminent, can anyone reassure plea

    Quote Originally Posted by sammiej123 View Post
    I met the Gastroenterologist today and to say that his bedside manner was not good would be an understatement. he did nothing to alleviate my anxiety infact he exacerbated it :( I have decided now to take Lansoprazole for a couple of weeks to see if that makes any difference to my symptoms... Its a nightmare really as i just want to feel better.
    Oh no I’m so sorry. That is really unlucky. What did he say to make your anxiety worse?

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