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Thread: Positive Covid Test Result Today - How Do I Stay Positive?

  1. #1

    Positive Covid Test Result Today - How Do I Stay Positive?

    Felt a bit funny when I got out of bed today, a bit warm, and spluttering. However the cough has gone. Took lateral flow test, and it was positive - I could not believe it. Took another, as I thought ‘surely this must be a mistake’? Well it looks like it’s not a mistake. Took PCR test in afternoon.

    Only symptoms tonight are slightly warm skin, and I feel a slight dizziness when I stand up (had that with an ear infection.)

    From a personal perspective, I’ve had the worst year of my life to date, my Mother died of a non Covid illness during the second lockdown. I live on my own, and suffer increasing anxiety mainly due to bereavement, and living in isolation for over 1 year due to lockdown. I have started drinking a LOT of lighter beers on daily basis, over the past year. I am on a small dose of Sertaline from Doctor.

    My family support network has greatly diminished due to the events of the past year, though some family are sending me positive messages.

    So my question is, it really does look COVID has got me. How do I stay positive? I am 49 years old.

    I am terrified at the thought of how I will feel when I get up tomorrow morning.
    Last edited by panicperson1977; 07-11-21 at 22:20.

  2. #2

    Re: Positive Covid Test Result Today - How Do I Stay Positive?

    Sorry to hear you’ve had such a difficult year.

    Have you been vaccinated? I know many people who have caught covid after being double jabbed and they have all been fine - some had barely any symptoms and some had a fairly nasty time for a few days (like the worst cold you’ve ever had) but it cleared up quickly.

    And even if you aren’t vaccinated you will almost certainly be fine. I always use my wife’s grandad as an example - 85 years old, had triple heart bypass in 2019 and is diabetic. Tested positive for coronavirus last year (before vaccinations) and had nothing more than a mild sniffle. They actually tested him twice and he was positive both times.

    Just take care of yourself and drink lots of water and rest up - you’ll be fine. I haven’t had covid (that I know of!) but am fairly sure I will one day and part of me would like to just get it out of the way.

  3. #3

    Re: Positive Covid Test Result Today - How Do I Stay Positive?

    Thanks Taucher. Thanks for the positive message. I am afraid to say that I am not vaccinated, as I was scared of the vaccine as much as I was of the virus due to my awful anxiety of the past year. I have had no direct contact with anyone, other than my Father for 6 months now.

    I always wear a mask, and stay away from people.

    Not feeling ‘too viral’ at moment.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Positive Covid Test Result Today - How Do I Stay Positive?


    This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

    This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

    Emmz xx

    nolite te basstardes carborundorum

  5. #5

    Re: Positive Covid Test Result Today - How Do I Stay Positive?

    Day 2, and I have a slight temperature, slightly elevated heart rate, occasional aches. The initial odd dizzy sensation seems to have subsided. Lying in bed fed up, but need to get moving to try an keep my mind off this.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Re: Positive Covid Test Result Today - How Do I Stay Positive?

    I can fully understand how scared you feel right now. I was much the same, always wearing my mask, staying away from other people as much as I could, being over the top - some say - with hand washing and keeping things clean. But myself and my partner were both found to be Covid positive at the end of August this year. We aren't vaccinated either as we were worried over the vaccination.

    One Friday I went to the supermarket with my partner I don't know if this was the day or something before but there were two women near to us coughing, we moved away but I don't know if that was the thing. The next day we got symptoms, I started with a sore throat, my partner had it worse right away with a fever and worse cough than he usually has, my symptoms took a little longer to get there after about a week.

    If you can get an oximeter I would, we got one and being able to see what your blood oxygen levels are was a relief in that way.

    I did have a stay in hospital too, but we are now fine apart from a few lingering symptoms, tiredness, still not much taste or smell etc.

    I'm sure that you will be just fine, rest, fluids, some take vitamins we did, and I'm sure that you will be good in no time.

  7. #7

    Re: Positive Covid Test Result Today - How Do I Stay Positive?

    @Shelly06. I was aware of someone about 15 feet away from spluttering earlier in week. I thought with the 2 metre rule the odds were would be low of me getting COVID would be very low at that distance. I’ve spent much of the past year cut off from people, and would not even meet old friends. Only visited my father.

  8. #8

    Re: Positive Covid Test Result Today - How Do I Stay Positive?

    The good news is that if you get vaccinated after getting covid, you will have higher levels of longer lasting immunity.

    Honestly, there is nothing to fear from the vaccine. Over 4 billion people have had at least one dose, with very few serious side effects. It is extensively tested and extremely safe. As you are aware it is far more dangerous and debilitating to get Covid than it is to get the vaccine.

    There is no need to shut yourself away when a free and safe solution is out there.

  9. #9

    Re: Positive Covid Test Result Today - How Do I Stay Positive?


  10. #10

    Re: Positive Covid Test Result Today - How Do I Stay Positive?

    I got the results from the NHS PCR test tonight, and they said ‘We could no read the results of your PCR test.’ So back to square one!

    Lateral flow still coming through positive. Though not much noticeable symptoms tonight, (woke up sweating in morning.) My heart rate is beginning to descent to relatively normal levels, after being very erratic yesterday.

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