Quote Originally Posted by Lencoboy View Post
Whilst I don't intend to seem patronising in any way, as emetophobia is a very profound and debilitating condition and experience for many the world over, as I personally have been in that very same boat myself on occasions (especially when I was younger), I do often wonder as to whether our fears and anxieties pertaining to vomiting might actually be 'learned' behaviours in any way, especially us as babies tend(ed) to vomit fairly frequently but rather fearlessly, as it obviously (in the vast majority of instances) makes us feel better immediately afterwards, but as we get a bit older, such things can develop into the subject of fully-fledged panics amongst many of us.

I often assume it's likely because vomiting is often very much considered a taboo subject amongst many, in a similar sense to toileting-related issues in general, all of which often provoke a sense of disgust and revolt amongst many of us, and just as with many general toilet-related mishaps, many parents, teachers, etc have been known to woe betide children for chucking up in places other than toilets or other appropriate receptacles, and inadvertently causing a terrible mess (and stench), and also likely to have been subjected to inadvertent bullying and humiliation by their siblings/classmates. And finally, the thought of losing control of oneself during an act of being sick is also most unpleasant, even though most episodes tend to last for only just a few seconds on average.

Any thoughts?
Also of course there will have been many instances over the years where children have been forbidden from going to the toilet at school, especially during lessons and assemblies, then ended up puking all over the place and inadvertently getting a billicking (deliberately misspelled to avoid causing offence) from teachers/staff, which could have been avoided had the kids been allowed to go to the toilet. A kind of 'damned if do, damned if don't' situation, especially where certain teachers have been known to be a law unto themselves!

Also a case of reaping what they sow!