Hi Ava

I am so sorry things have not gone to plan for you. Do you think the dose of 187 will be the dose you stick at? Did reducing back down go ok as sometimes maybe that can give you some withdrawal symptoms similar to side effects.

Things this week haven't been too great. That sinking feeling has come back but not as bad and the ability to look forward to things and feel I want to enjoy them has not been there. Hope you understand what I mean?? I know its only 21 days on the 150mg so probably only now they are getting into my system that's why I am experiencing some side effects now I think. Not sure about you but this wears me down at times as I just want to get on with my life as it used to be. You read good and bad reviews wherever you go for every medication not just AD's. But this med is supposed to be the best and is prescribed by many Psych's over anything else.

I am now also putting on weight quite rapidly so am having to start to watch what I eat and limit my calorie intake. I hope these feelings are just due to the rise in the dose and will settle soon and I can enjoy my life without food haha. I know quite a few friends on 150mg and they are doing so well.

I can't help but compare to Cit when I felt well all the time obvs until they stopped working. I know Cit would not have worked straight away for me so I must have gone through some process. I know comparing isn't going to do me any good.

Hope the last few days have been good for you Ava. I do think about you a lot.

Much love
