I think they are being really mean and vindictive at work. They give everyone else a bonus except you..just because you have too much to do and have been off sick with covid. Don’t you get SSP? I thought you could self certify yourself for the first week and need a doctors note thereafter. I may be wrong be cause Mr.D used to deal with all that. They are acting awfully in any case. Would a change in direction help? A less stressful job? Less hours?

As for home, so what if is not up Hyacinth Bucket’s standards. Mine is no palace and the dust fairy visits every night but the Queens not come round yet and I haven’t killed anyone from plague. Just do what you can, a little at a time and it will get sorted. When you are twanging your harp in the clouds no one is going to remember you for how sparkling your windows were but rather what a good and kind person you were.

Vent away all you like, there will always be listening ear on here. Remember you are doing great. Tell yourself this every morning in the mirror….I am absolutely FABULOUS! It’s true..you just need to believe it xx