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Thread: Healthy Anxiety

  1. #1

    Question Healthy Anxiety

    Good Morning,

    I am new to this forum and only found out about it after suffering from health anxiety for several years, post diagnosis of a serious blood disorder that is in remission and could still come back anytime, if not for regular monitoring by a hematologist.

    Usually every month, I visit my hematologist for a CBC and CMP (Complete Metabolic Panel) this includes testing your kidney function and liver enzymes. I started to develop health anxiety about three years ago when my kidney levels would bounce around. I would go back to my doctor and get it tested again to confirm it had come down, then it would go up again. It drove me crazy for 3 years. About 2 years ago my liver enzymes went up above average a little bit, on the next test they had come down. Last year they went up again and came back down. The last time I had them tested was in July 2021 and they were elevated. My doctor wanted to check it again in October and I said no. Since then I have lived in fear that I have liver failure. It has affected every part of my life. I don't worry as much about my blood disorder, but am convinced I am dying of liver disease. I look up certain symptoms, such as red palms, terry's nails, check the bottom of my feet to see if they are yellow, etc. I am convinced I have the Terry's nails and red palms. My palms go red when resting on my desk at work and then turn to a more normal color in the day. My fingernails I think are turning white or have white lines across them. I constantly spend all my time googling the symptoms of liver failure, even if my bowel movement is a different color for days, I worry I am dying of it. I have to seek constant reassurance from my family and therapist. My family tells me, there is nothing wrong and I am fine. I am terrified of going to my GP for a liver or kidney test, so I avoid that blood work, because it would increase my anxiety to the point, I would probably have to be put in a mental hospital. I am on medication for depression and do not take anti-anxiety medication, because I do not want to get addicted to it.

    My life consists of going to work, coming home and going to bed and googling my symptoms for hours on end till I can't sleep. Wake up and repeat. I do not find joy in doing things with my friends or family anymore because I am constantly worried about the next medical problem, even though I did have a serious disease I was diagnosed with and am being monitored for it with frequent blood work. I have to also deal with it, because it could come back at any time and put me in the hospital for several weeks.

    I think having it started my health anxiety worries really bad. I have worked with my therapist on coping skills and medication with my psychiatrist. I just feel I can't take much more of it.
    The only thing a mental hospital would do is, get my medication steady, have some group meetings to talk about your feelings and then they would send you out the door.

    I just cling to God and pray every night for this to go away. I also have co-dependency issues with my parents, because they took care of me when I was sick 5 years ago. I am an only child and need to build my own life.

    I know that this is a complex post and may be hard for some to understand. I just need some advice or positive messages, that I can keep on living.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Healthy Anxiety

    Oh you poor poor thing you must be mentally and physically exhausted I don’t know if I’m the right person to give advice as I am in the middle of a bad bout of health anxiety but I would say go have the bloods done because the results can’t be as bad as the awful things you’re imagining and at least then you will know sounds like you’re doing all the right things with therapy and meds no good telling you not to Google but maybe set yourself a time limit say ten minutes a night then reward yourself for sticking to it hope you feel better soon

  3. #3

    Re: Healthy Anxiety

    Thank you for the advice. I have not had bloods done in a long time, because it would exacerbate my anxiety even more, according to my psychiatrist.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Healthy Anxiety

    Sorry I can’t be of more help alas we are all in a similar boat! Take care

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Healthy Anxiety

    I’m sorry that you’re going through this, you do sound so anxious and run down by it all.

    Going for regular tests must be such a rollercoaster, but has your doctor explained why you need to? It’s just like therapy in that you are regularly seeing a medical professional for your health. I feel that you think your therapist had steered you away from the tests for your mental health, but it’s not actually working? How about you start working with them to build you up to start taking them again? I think that this will help with your self esteem and confidence levels too. You seem to be worrying about so much, and it all stems back to one test. Take the test, then start working on your anxiety so that you can be mentally stable as well as physically.

  6. #6

    Re: Healthy Anxiety

    Hi, Thank you for the advice. I went to my GP today and took the CMP blood test that covers your kidney and liver function. I still have horrible anxiety that I am dying from each of them failing. I will know in 24-48 hours the results. I dread it, because I know they are going to be bad and I will go down that rabbit hole again and want them tested to see if they go back into the normal range. I just pray it is good.

  7. #7

    Re: Healthy Anxiety

    I got my results from the CMP blood test and they were normal. However, my Iron and Saturation and Folate were low. I looked it up and said it could be a sign of colon cancer. I am worried because now I think I have colon cancer. I turned in a stool test today to my doctor to see if I have blood in it. I will know in a few days. I have lost about 8 lbs in 2 weeks, because I have been so nervous and could not eat or have much of an appetite, that makes me think I have cancer. My doctor thinks it's IBS. I really don't know what to do anymore. Any advice or positive comments would help?

  8. #8

    Health Anxiety

    Hi Everyone,

    I posted about thinking I had liver/kidney failure a week ago and stated I was scared to have bloods done, for fear of what they would be. I had the blood taken and the kidneys/liver all came back normal. They also ran bloods for Iron, Iron+Saturation and Folate. The bloods for Iron was just below the normal range, so was the Iron+Saturation and Folate. I googled it of course and it said that low Iron+Saturation can be sign of colon cancer. I have not had much of an appetite the last couple of weeks and have lost around 5-7 lbs. I just do not feel hungry. My GP Consultant said it is most likely IBS. I am scared, because I am not getting really any answers from my doctors. I am not sure what to do? It's exhausting mentally. Any thoughts?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Healthy Anxiety


    This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Healthy Anxiety

    You'll know for sure soon, but do try to trust your doctor. They would know better than a Google search. For what it's worth, I often have low iron. I am a meat eater, but apparently just don't eat well enough (no shock there). In fact, I used to try and donate blood - it would always be 15 minutes of them pricking my fingers in the hopes that it would get over that limit so I could donate. Only once was it high enough and it was only just right over the line and I felt like trash afterwards so, clearly that's not for me.

    It's so hard with HA but there are honestly so many nuances with health that can't be picked up in a Google search. There are a ton of reasons that your levels can be low, most common would be a diet deficiency but IBS is also significantly more common than cancer so the odds really are in your favor here.
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