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Thread: I still have really bad ear pressure

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    I still have really bad ear pressure

    I have had an awful pressure in my left ear now for 4 weeks or more. I had sinusitis in the middle of February, was very painful and I was given antibiotics which made me feel much better but I was left with this pressure in my left ear. I saw a dr twice about it before I went to France 2 weeks ago and I was told it was just abit of pressure after having sinusitis and I was given a steroid spray but I was told my ear looked fine both times I went.

    I then caught a virus off the kids, nasty cough & cold, the children were bad with it for 10 days or so but I still have the sniffles and this bloody ear pressure 2 weeks later. The ear pressure was so bad today, my head was splitting in work and I had pressure all in left cheek and nostril, its always on my left side.

    I saw my GP monday about how rundown I felt and he checked me over, I told him about my ear and he checked it but didn't say anything so I take it that it was fine. He just thought I was being a worrywart, ok which I am but I am in alot of discomfort.

    I suffered from something similar last year and the drs thought I had chronic sinusitis, I saw an ENT dr and had CT scan and all was ok, he said I didn't have that and they couldn't explain it but this time round ive had acute sinusitis and now im wondering if it is chronic or do I have an ear infection or would I really know about it if I did?

    I am too scared to even tell my dr next week im still suffering because he is so dismissive, he will just think its me imaging it or something. I hate having health anxiety, drs never think you are ill and you feel too scared to mention it incase they have a go at you

    I have to go see my dr friday, he wants to keep an eye on me because of my anxiety peeking again.

    Am I panicking over nothing here? im steaming, taking a steroid spray and sudafed. I am just so worried its an infection or chronic sinusitis.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: I still have really bad ear pressure

    My ears high-pitch ring quite often from time to time...
    “Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.” ~Arthur Somers Roche

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: I still have really bad ear pressure

    Very annoying isn't it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: I still have really bad ear pressure

    It sounds like an ear infection, my wife had one a while back and she was off work for about 4 weeks!!, they do take a long time to go sometimes, I get blcoked ears quite regularly so sympathise with what your going through!!

  5. #5

    Re: I still have really bad ear pressure

    Hi there

    I have had ear infections since I was a small person, and this pressure, although unpleasant, is completely normal after an ear infection.

    The eustachian tube (the tube that drains fluid into the throat from the inner ear) may be slightly blocked or swollen. This feeling can persist for around 6 weeks before it is considered even a minor concern. I think my right eustachian tube has been in this phase for about 4 months now, and it is still not really that exciting!

    Have you tried massaging your face? Particularly behind your ears, and by the top of your nose. (Do you know the Sinutab adverts? If so, where the arrows on the face are, apply pressure and rub downwards, and in small circles.)

    Breathing in steam may well help, particularly if you do it a couple of times a day for a week or so. Try it with Olbas Oil (or similar) and without, see if either helps.

    Decongestants may help in the short term, but not for long term use.

    Paracetamol or another non-steroidal anti-inflammatory will ease the pain caused by inflammation in your sinuses and ear.

    DO mention it to your GP next time you see them, even if it is just so it goes in your notes for future reference.

    Take care


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    , , Ireland.

    Re: I still have really bad ear pressure

    Yeah Cherry this happens to me almost every year after sinus infection lol. My ear starts to have pressure, popping all the time and hurting like crazy, and the gp never seems to be able to see anything wrong. If this is recurring problem with you could be that you have chronic allergies, I finally found out I had them about two years ago and started on a steroid spray called Nasonex and now I finally dont get sinus infections anymore! Hooray!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    , , USA.

    Re: I still have really bad ear pressure

    Yes you are .. i have it constantly from the altitude and weather change here..Its good to take a hot water bottle and put on your head and when you lay down prop your head just a bit.Keep refilling the water bottle and put in on the pressure and it will release it ..I have this and tmj and it really bothers me a lot but its nothing to worry about pretty normal and tension makes it worse .I wouldnt worry to much its just normal sinus problems worse in spring and weather changes..
    Blah Blah Blah Blah..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: I still have really bad ear pressure

    Thank you all so much,

    I am taking nasonex and the dr on monday said my ears are looking better, no infection or anything.

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