Quote Originally Posted by BrokenGirl View Post
I remember reading before that Lyrica can sometimes effect the liver. I don't know any more about this and don't want to look it up
Pregabalin is mostly metabolised via the kidneys with only one of its minor metabolites eliminated via the liver so the impact on this organ is usually minor, however, there are a handful of case reports linking it to liver disease, some with pronounced jaundice, so it isn't impossible, but it is very rare.

But I looked at my hands a while ago and there seems to be yellowish patches on the palms of my hands and fingers.
Don't know if it was always like that but am getting a little worried about it now. I'm also thinking the skin on my arms is looking a bit yellow but I honestly don't know how much of that is in my mind.
It may be caused by pregabalin, but jaundice is usually more generalised than a few patches here and there.

Is it worth a trip to the doctor or am I over reacting?
It might be worth a trip to your GP, more for piece of mind than clinical necessity.