My dad is still doing well, which is of course a good thing, but he's been a bit tricky to deal with. I think he's frustrated because there are still some things he can't do (he's not supposed to lift over 10 lbs for another week or so) but he's just taken that really far the other direction - he won't even make himself a sandwich, instead has my mom do it. He's also been really snappy and if you're not fawning over him every section, you "just don't care".

I was planning out a vacation for myself this fall and unfortunately that has been a bit monopolized. I was going to either go somewhere alone, or said my parents could join me but we had to go somewhere pretty remote because if they came we'd have to take my dog along. I found a cabin for them to look at that is pretty isolated and has trails on the property that connect to the national forest. My dad took one look and immediately started whining that it was "too isolated, there's nothing to do but hike". Which was the point. So he's been pushing dog friendly rentals on me that are in a popular vacation hub, except that I know any trails nearby will be very populated (likely with off leash dogs) and a lot of the stuff he would want to do wouldn't be Chisum-friendly, so I fear that I'll end up sitting in the rental by myself while he gets to do what he wants.

I told him that I could go by myself, if they'd watch my dog, and then I'd be happy to house sit for them if they wanted to go on a vacation somewhere together. But that itself is rough waters - he wants to go to Florida, which for many reasons my mom does not want to do, and my mom has expressed that she'd likely prefer to vacation with me than with him, because he's been difficult lately. And I'm sure she doesn't want me to wander into the mountains alone either.

I'm hoping to get something booked somewhat soon so that stuff doesn't fill up, but on top of my current HA worry (because of course there's always one) it's tricky. I'm just a bit frustrated and feel a bit pushed around.