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Thread: Nearly weaned off but now back on them

  1. #1

    Nearly weaned off but now back on them

    So I was feeling great in the early autumn so thought yes this is my time! I weaned down slowly from 20mg a day to 5mg every 3 days to stop the brain zaps. Fast forward to last week anxiety at an all time high literal butterfly sensation 24/7 unable to rationalise, major ruminating constantly about things out of my control. Started 10mg a day on Saturday, anxiety still really high if not worse. Can you still get the increased anxiety symptoms when it wasn't completely out of your system? Want to go up to 15 or 20mg in the next day or two.
    How long do the increased anxiety symptoms last and when will I see that amazing light at the end of the tunnel 😩😩

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Nearly weaned off but now back on them

    Quote Originally Posted by Kate1970 View Post
    So I was feeling great in the early autumn so thought yes this is my time!
    How long had you been on citalopram when you decided to wean off it, Kate? Did you discuss this with your GP first?

    I weaned down slowly from 20mg a day to 5mg every 3 days to stop the brain zaps.
    Who advised you to taper off by skipping doses, your GP or something you read online? This is not the best way of weaning off. Imo, it is among the worst, as it sets up a roller-coaster effect as the med's plasma levels drop and then peak. It is far better to cut the daily dose.

    Did you actually experience the zaps, or was it a proactive decision?

    Fast forward to last week anxiety at an all time high literal butterfly sensation 24/7 unable to rationalise, major ruminating constantly about things out of my control.
    When did you last take 20mg?

    Started 10mg a day on Saturday, anxiety still really high if not worse. Can you still get the increased anxiety symptoms when it wasn't completely out of your system?
    Yes, although it may not the the major factor driving the severity of your symptoms.

    Want to go up to 15 or 20mg in the next day or two.
    How long do the increased anxiety symptoms last and when will I see that amazing light at the end of the tunnel 😩😩
    Unfortunately, this is a 'how long is a piece of string' question which can only be answered with, "it depends." It could be over within a week, or it may take a month. If you haven't seen your GP about what is happening then you should asap, imo, as there are ways of moderating the symptoms.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  3. #3

    Re: Nearly weaned off but now back on them

    Thanks for the reply Panic down under.. I did in the end speak in great depth with my GP. He said I might benefit from a change of medication, long story short I have been on and off anti d’s since a traumatic event in my late teens changed my life. I’m a seasoned pro with anxiety but at times I get too close to the edge of the not able to cope cliff and unfortunately that’s where I’m at again now.
    He thought Escitalopram may be better as it’s mainly anxiety that is my issue.
    So off I trot on the Escitalopram train! 5mg yesterday and again today. Dreading the inevitable side effects but excited for the results! Fingers crossed

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