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Thread: Has anyone taken Dosulepin (Dothiepin)???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Has anyone taken Dosulepin (Dothiepin)???

    I have just been prescribed this for panic attacks, anxiety and a bit of depression. Took my 1st tablet last nite slept a bit better but feeling spaced out today and cant be bothered to do anything! will i always feel this way?? I have also read it causes increased appetite and weight gain which im not happy about as now have something else to worry about!!:(
    has anyone else had any experience of taking this? from reading the forum everyone seems to be on Citalopram... (sp)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    It's one of the older anti-d's (tricyclic). Most people are on the newer versions, SSRI's (of which citalopram is one). Citalopram is usually the first med doctors will try for anxiety, or depression - I don't know if this is because of effectiveness or because it's cheap.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    , , Ireland.

    Re: Has anyone taken Dosulepin (Dothiepin)???

    I was on dothiepin (Prothiaden) for five years and was the best I ever was on it in regard to relief of depression and anxiety and being able to live a relatively normal life. 15 months ago my psychiatrist took me off it because he said I had been on it too long and I have been in hell ever since. Doctors are frequently refusing to prescribe tricyclics now but they always worked the best for me and the endless SSRIs I have been on have been useless. I would love to be on dothiepin again.
    'Come away o human child to the waters and the wild.' - Yeats

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Has anyone taken Dosulepin (Dothiepin)???

    I was on Dothiepin for about 6 months many years ago now.

    It didn't help the panic attacks atall and I put on 2 stone in weight.

    Sorry not to be very positive about it but that was my experience anyway.

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Has anyone taken Dosulepin (Dothiepin)???

    my gp put me on these tablets last friday was told 2 take 75mg be4 going 2 bed,, well since taking them ive not been with it and been feeling very sick when i get up ,, but as for sleep its been great not slept like this for ages, but now im worried as i dont hear a thing and as its only me and my kids im scared im not going 2 hear them in the night if they call me. only other thing is my panic attacks have got worse since takin them , so i cant win,, just hope it all calms downs in a few days , if u want 2 chat about them please pm me .

    love sandy x

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Has anyone taken Dosulepin (Dothiepin)???

    I took these and they gave my really really bad head ache's came off them. Hope they work for you.

    Best of look.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    , , Ireland.

    Re: Has anyone taken Dosulepin (Dothiepin)???

    Quote Originally Posted by SANDYJANE View Post
    my gp put me on these tablets last friday was told 2 take 75mg be4 going 2 bed,, well since taking them ive not been with it and been feeling very sick when i get up ,, but as for sleep its been great not slept like this for ages, but now im worried as i dont hear a thing and as its only me and my kids im scared im not going 2 hear them in the night if they call me. only other thing is my panic attacks have got worse since takin them , so i cant win,, just hope it all calms downs in a few days , if u want 2 chat about them please pm me .

    love sandy x
    Hi Sandy, 150mg is a VERY high dose to be stated on, I can't see why your doctor would start you on such a high dose. As you can read from my post above, I had very good results on Prothiden but I was stated on a low dose and increaded it up to 150mg gradually.
    A lot of anit depressants have the unwanted side effect of making you feel worse for the first few weeks before they start to work.
    Whilst I was on Prothiaden the longterm side effects I had were dry mouth, thirsty al of the time, loss of sex drive and tiredness. Most anti depressants have these side effects.

    Maybe you should go back to your doctor and tell him/her that you want to start on a lower dose and increase it gradually.

    I have started taking Prothiaden again at a starting dose of 75mg but it has only been a couple of weeks so far.

    PM me if you want to chat about it.

    Best wishes
    'Come away o human child to the waters and the wild.' - Yeats

  8. #8

    Re: Has anyone taken Dosulepin (Dothiepin)???

    I agree with Eibhlin, Dosulepin have worked great for me as well. Usual side-effects of dry mouth and tiredness but apart from that they have worked well.

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