Admittedly I started to try them, then work got in the way..then I got lazy and then i just plain forgot. So I don't feel like I gave them a fair go.

So after seeing the same urologist this time on the NHS he doesn't seem so keen on antibiotics now I've basically been on them for 7 weeks in total with no fixes. He suggested either opening me up to try and move the testicle or opening me up to cut off the epididymis before telling me about all the potential side effects of that.

I said I'd read online about a nerve block injection and he got all excited saying yes we can try that. So now I'm awaiting an appointment for a spermatic cord nerve block Why cant I just have a standard little infection that clears up with a week of pills. If this doesn't work I'm going to have to go in for the operation and that fills me with even more dread than this injection is!