Have posted a lot the last 6 weeks or so. Having a massive HA flared up and have been through it all, panic attacks, dizziness, palpitations the works and have had every symptom under the sun.

Brain fog is my main menace and has been for most of this. I have been to see a therapist and I actively use EFT and meditation.

Every symptom has come and gone and I know this but I am aware I am spiraling again. Today I woke up nauseous and had to run to the loo, have been nauseous on and off across the day with thick brain fog. Had a couple of occasions where I felt quite unwell but it passed. Its possible I am unwell with a bug, I did eat somthing past its date unknowingly last night and I share my house with 2 small germ spreaders but my mind has gone to brain tumor!! Why else would I feel sick and my brain be so foggy!

Fed up of all of this now