Quote Originally Posted by panic_down_under View Post
Loperamide (Imodium) can be very effective in easing these side-effects, but discuss its suitability with your GP or pharmacist before taking it and don't exceed the daily dose.

A small dose of mirtazapine could help you sleep and possibly stack on a few pounds too as it often induces carbohydrate cravings. It might also calm the gut.
Ye not sure about mirtazapine as when i first started sert years ago i was coming off mirt and the side effects were horrendous though now i think that might have been not so much the start up side effects of the sert but withdrawing from the mirtazapine.

Im only on day 3 this time but the side effects arent anywhere near as bad as the first time so far!! I can feel it ramping up a bit though
