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Thread: Rectal pain for the past month or so

  1. #1

    Rectal pain for the past month or so

    For about a month and a half now, I've been experiencing periodic rectal pain in the same spot (I can't quite pinpoint the exact point of origin, but the pain feels the same, so I assume it's the same spot). The pain feels like a poke or a pinch, and it'll twinge once every couple of minutes (although there are times where I don't feel it for several hours), and it doesn't hurt more during bowel movements. The reason I'm posting about it now is because it's been more prevalent today than it has been thus far.

    It's also been accompanied by a change in bowel habits. Consistently narrower stools and there was a period where I didn't have a bowel movement for about six days. I've only seen blood on the toilet paper once, and I think I've seen blood in the stools a couple times (like yesterday and today--somewhere between light and dark red), but I've been trying not to jump to conclusions about it. I've also consistently had white/yellow mucus in my stools.

    I have some amount of health anxiety, but I'm also in therapy, which is why I'm not outright panicking about it, but I feel like it's gone on for long enough to where I should at least check with my primary care physician.

    I just wanted to get some opinions on what it could be or how I should react. I'm also only 23, so I doubt it's anything cancerous, but still wanted to check in.

  2. #2

    Re: Rectal pain for the past month or so

    Update: I've noticed more dark streaks in my stool, but I really can't tell if it's blood or not. The pain has abated somewhat and hasn't been very prevalent in the past 24 hours, but I'm still being alert about everything. Any advice?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: Rectal pain for the past month or so

    Considering that you are only 23, it is nothing, for sure. Most probably hemmorhoids (telltale symptoms) but that is it. My son is only 24 and he has them, and often discomfort and pain, and sometimes blood. He developed hemms because he is constipated - primarily because of his diet, and somewhat genes, his grandfather had constipation all his life, but nothing more than that, ever. Do you eat fruit? Or do you eat a lot of meat and not enough fruit and veggies? I know this is the case with my son, who is on "caveman" diet because he wants to build muscles.

    However, since I suffer from severe HA, I made my son immediately go to the doctor, who performed anoscopy right there and said he has some hemmoroids, that they are caused by frequent constipation and that he simply must change his diet. See your doctor, he will do the same and you will have peace of mind.
    Last edited by Lana; 07-10-23 at 00:34. Reason: additional information and suggestions

  4. #4

    Re: Rectal pain for the past month or so

    Thank you! I've recently been having lower left abdominal pain as well, so I assume that IBS is probably in play as well.

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