Hi, I went to the doc this morning to get a contraceptive pill renewal and they took my blood pressure and it was something mad like 145/118 and she actually got a different monitor as she thought the first might be broken!! I am 40 and don't have the best diet, probs about a stone heavier than my ideal weight and I drink alcohol so I am scared! She has given me a monitor and said I have to test 4 times a day for a week and go back and mentioned potentially putting me on meds.... She said they would need to do blood test first though to check organ function and since I drink alcohol I'm scared this could mean I have liver or kidney disease... I do tend to binge drink a couple of times a week.

Last night it was a friends birthday so we had pizza and drank quite a bit so I know this may have affected the readings (I am a tad hungover). I also have white coat syndrome quite badly which I told her about but she didn't seem convinced. So so scared though that I might have some kind of heart, kidney or liver disease if I do have high blood pressure this young and she seemed surprised and implied there must be some underlying cause... I'm sitting at work in an office on my own crying