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Thread: Controlling Fears

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Controlling Fears

    Hi all,

    Does anybody have any advice for controlling ALS related fears. It has begun to really impact my everyday life. Little background Im a 32 y/o male, relatively healthy, probably don't drink enough water if Im honest.

    This issue started last week. While bathing I noticed a twitch in my big toe on my left foot which I paid a bit of attention to. From there and over the next 2/3 days I noticed the twitching was predominant in my left big toe but also noticeable in other areas of my left leg (calf, knee, thigh, inside foot). I panicked and scheduled an appointment with a nurse who listened to my symptoms and sent me for blood tests, all of which came back normal.

    Unfortunately this wasn't enough for me and I then booked a GP appointment. The GP listened and then performed a small physical and reaction exam. Hammer on the knee etc and (after id explained to her I thought I had ALS) said that twitching is not how it would initially manifest and I showed no signs in the small exam she'd just done. She basically explained that some nerves/muscle can become (I think she said) enflamed and that stress would also contribute.

    She advised magnesium bath salts & vitamins and general health improvements (more fruit etc). This made me feel better for about 24 hours.

    Now fast forward a few days and I'm at wits end, I can't relax, lie down or even want to go to bed without the fear of one of these twitches occuring. And then as soon as one happens I have the panic of a lifetime and end up with the common sweats, nausea, vomiting.

    Does anyone have any advice how to get out of this please? Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Controlling Fears

    Quote Originally Posted by HATH View Post
    Does anyone have any advice how to get out of this please? Thank you.
    Real life professional help and the self-discipline to do the work necessary to treat the real issue.

    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2021

    Re: Controlling Fears

    Hi HATH,

    Welcome to the worst club in the HA world (I really DO think the ALS/MND fear is the worst for a lot of reasons, which you seem to be discovering yourself.)

    I can't agree with FMP that "real life professional help" + "self-discipline" is a dual necessity/sufficiency condition, though both can indeed help! I'm both an extremely reluctant user of MH services and meds, AND, I dare say, a relatively self-disciplined, rational, well-educated person. I still struggled for more than a full year, and my progression toward victory was NOT linear. So going in to this, I'd encourage you to be gentle and forgiving of yourself if (really more like when) you backslide or temporarily feel 'stuck.'

    In many cases, twitching is caused by a real issue + stress. It's just that it is exceedingly, exceedingly rare that the real issue is in any way deadly or permanent. In my case, my metabolism (thyroid) was out of whack, + I had some normal bodily wear and tear. Feel free to go read my thread. The point I am trying to make is, the things you are noticing and which I was noticing are REAL... but that doesn't mean that they indicate anything SINISTER. Challenging and undoing that mental leap is step #1. Step #2 is figuring out why that leap is catnip for your brain in the first place. Step #3 is getting off the catnip, and finding something else to keep your brain occupied and happy. All that will take time. While you work on it, be sure to get outside and enjoy summer; stay social; look for hope and enjoyment at all times. Just taking a few really deep breaths and mentally saying the words "maybe not" might help when the panic strikes.

    All the best, and please do come back in a year or so and pay the hope forward!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Re: Controlling Fears

    I've been in and out of health worries since this original post now. I thought the fears regarding this were over until a new twitch developed in my inside elbow late last week.

    It's hard to describe but it's like the inside elbow contracts and releases itself.

    I went straight back to my GP who didn't even really want to see the video I'd taken of the movement. But I've had several episodes of it doing it's own thing since late last week.

    He is now the fourth GP I've seen regarding twitching in six months. This was a new area and type of twitch that set me off this time. I've been to 3 NHS GPs and one private and only the private one suggested a neuro "for your own reassurance, but that's might not even be enough."

    The others have all carried out, in house, tests (strength, reflex etc) and said they are not worried and I should focus on dealing with my anxiety. Im starting antidepressants today but the arm is still going this is making me really struggle to believe in what I've been told.

    Any further support or suggestions really appreciated.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Controlling Fears

    If you've been to 4 GPs in 6 months and they all said it's anxiety, you should really believe it's anxiety.
    Muscle twitching was my first symptom and not in one area, all over my body! Twitching 24/7. For a full year! I was convinced I had ALS, but of course I didn't.
    Even now when I get angry or upset, muscle twitching is one of the first things to pop up.
    It's one of the most common anxiety symptoms. Believe it!

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