Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsTerry View Post
Councils are definitely a problem when it comes to fly tipping. Even reporting it is not the easiest thing whether it's a clunky website or a lazy crew just marking it up as 'not found'. Since I walked a lot I started reporting lots of fly tipping but there many occasions were council clean up crews said not found or collected yet it was still there. Basically no one watching what they do.

Corruption and lack of funding may be a contributing factor in society but just as it's all too easy for the Daily Mail reader to condemn the youth it is all too easy for the Guardian reader to absolve them. But there are extremes and those in the middle who don't act a certain way I.e. not all businessmen are white collar criminals and not all young people act anti socially.
I'm sure you've posted stuff before on here about council workers allegedly 'swinging the lead' who should have actually been dealing with fly-tipping incidents.

But like I said in my previous post, I reckon a lot of people now feel discouraged from visiting their local tops because they've now become such fortified places run by 'little Hitler' jobsworths who seem so up themselves and love to read out the Riot Act!

In fact, this one arsy barsteward of a worker at Lichfield tip (the closest one to us here in Staffs) was quite rude and abrupt towards my dad last year when we innocently drove onto the site, totally unaware of the new restrictions on site access and use of the facility. He was basically asking for some kind of abuse from certain members of the general public who are generally much less patient than both myself and my dad.

Also I'm rather surprised there's been no reports of any violent disturbances at said tip since those sudden changes there last year, as it was a perfect flash point for vicious tempers to fray between both irate members of the general public and irate staff there.