Len you have to ask yourself, is it worth my energy getting upset about, you would really hate living in American Cities where there is tagging (graffiti) everywhere, it's illegal here as well, and if it's a shop or business, it's the business owner who has to hire someone to paint over it, if it's city buildings the city has to pay for it, but the cops are more worried about is the guy that is holding a gun to his wife and kids going to hand over said weapon before anyone gets killed, is the narcan going to work on the teen how just overdosed on a drug or am i going to have to notify the family, is that drunk that I am chasing going to hit another car before I can get them to pull over, is that person holding a gun on me going to fire on me before I can talk them down. It's not that people don't care, it's there really are more important things to worry about than someone spray painting The older generation grew up with our moms smoking in the car, in our faces, around us, we used to live in a society where it was normal to smoke on planes, in hotels, restaurants what have you and don't think anything of it either. Control only what you can control, was the mother in the wrong for smoking in front of her children in the car where it is illegal, yes it is, does it warrant you reporting her? No, now if she were drinking and drunk then yes report her and prevent her from leaving.