I’m sorry you’re going through this. I’ve had something very similar for the past few months.

First, she puts that on your form so you get seen quickly. It’s because of the swallowing, but it doesn’t mean that’s what she thinks you have, it’s just the only way to get you seen quickly. Which although scary is a good thing.

I don’t want to comment too much on your symptoms because I’m not a dr, but I can tell you what’s happening with me & lots of it is similar to you. Last year I had so much stress, I eventually left my job because of it, it was awful. I also lost a close family member and I think I basically experienced a burn out.
My reflux & heartburn really started to play up in September/October, and then in December I started having some swallowing issues too. It culminated in me going to urgent care just before Christmas because I thought some food was stuck in my throat (it wasn’t). For about 2 weeks after I barely ate. Then I started myself on a liquid diet, and then I read about the acid watcher diet and started to incorporate that. I’ve lost over 2 stone (I needed to), and I’ve spoken to my dr twice, I even asked for an endoscopy but they won’t give me one yet!

For the last few weeks I’ve been feeling so much better. My stress has reduced and I’m starting to relax. In the last week I’ve started to eat more solid foods and they are going down! It’s not perfect, but it’s better. I take omeprazole capsules (smaller & easier to swallow if you do it with water in your mouth) twice a day, and gaviscon advanced after meals and before bed. In 2 weeks I’ll go down to one a day & if my swallow/heartburn gets worse again then I think they’ll refer me for my endoscopy.

Sorry for waffling on, but I wanted you to see the similarities, and how big a part stress plays.

I can really recommend the diet, and following the eating advice. It’s restrictive, but feeling better is the goal here!

I don’t log on very often at all now, but I will keep checking in to see how you’re doing. Please keep talk to us if you want to!
