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Thread: Endometrium thickness 19.3mm

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Endometrium thickness 19.3mm

    Please try not to worry? The vast, vast majority of these referrals turn out to be either nothing, or something very manageable.
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    Sometimes, it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. - Terry Pratchett

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Endometrium thickness 19.3mm

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueIris View Post
    Please try not to worry? The vast, vast majority of these referrals turn out to be either nothing, or something very manageable.

    Thank you I went to a&e I went into panic mode I phoned my dr and getting a fast track biopsy done within 2 weeks. The hospital said a thick endometrium ain’t a worry yet my consultants secutary said it’s a red glad a big red flag and I’m sorry I’ve been left like this as I went private nothing was raised on the nhs but when I was in a&e they did some bloods and because they were all fine they just sent me home saying you don’t have anything worrying!? I really need this biopsy because I am going crazy it’s so hard not to worry because you get told one thing from one person and another from another person

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Endometrium thickness 19.3mm

    I'm so you've had this scare! But you'll be having your uterus out in two week anyway, right? And they will biopsy everything. If you look at some of the other posts below your threat there are are several people who had the same worry and it was nothing, and even one where it was a fibroid. My guess is that there is some threshold measurement that triggers a biopsy. But, like I said, because you have at least the one fibroid, it's probably that. AND, fibroids - despite what doctors say - can cause incredible pain.

  4. #14
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    Feb 2009

    Re: Endometrium thickness 19.3mm

    Quote Originally Posted by ErinKC View Post
    I'm so you've had this scare! But you'll be having your uterus out in two week anyway, right? And they will biopsy everything. If you look at some of the other posts below your threat there are are several people who had the same worry and it was nothing, and even one where it was a fibroid. My guess is that there is some threshold measurement that triggers a biopsy. But, like I said, because you have at least the one fibroid, it's probably that. AND, fibroids - despite what doctors say - can cause incredible pain.

    thank you so much honestly I’ve not been able to eat in days and can’t sleep I’m awake most of the night. With the pain I’ve got it’s like constant period pain with a tender uterus everytime I touch it it’s super tender and all around my muscles around my spine hurts like hell and around my shoulder blades and I’m convinced I’ve got spine cancer. I can’t help my head it’s all over the place I’m so sorry for the way Iam and I’m so grateful for all your lovely messages ❤️ had my pre op today and surgery is on the 14th and I’m super scared as I’ve got to do it all alone as they said no one is allowed with me and they told me I’m in for 2 nights maximum.

  5. #15
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    Jan 2017

    Re: Endometrium thickness 19.3mm

    I’m happy to support you because I’ve been through this and know how terrible it is. Your pain sounds so similar to mine! I would not at all amount the pain to something more sinister because fibroid pain can be incredibly intense. I completely understand your fears! But in all likelihood all will be well once you’re through surgery.

    I also had to go by myself for surgery because of Covid restrictions. I was so so scared! But, I was honest with my doctor about my fears and she was so kind. I cried pretty much the whole time in pre-op! She made sure to give me something (versed I think) before wheeling me off so I’d be relaxed by the time I got to the OR and it really helped.

    I was meant to be outpatient - I had a robotic surgery with only key hole incisions - but it was a very long surgery because of how giant my fibroids were and I wasn’t out until about 10pm. I didn’t feel comfortable going home so they let me stay the night and by morning I was ready to leave. I thought being alone would be horrible, but honestly I was so tired and out of it that it was kind of nice not having anyone there. The nurses came in frequently and the time after surgery went very fast. It was the pre-op time alone that was hardest, but even that went pretty fast.

    You’re going to do great! I spent so much time worrying before me surgery - I scheduled mine almost two months out so it was soooo much time waiting and panicking! And all for nothing because I was fine (as always!).

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Endometrium thickness 19.3mm

    Quote Originally Posted by ErinKC View Post
    I’m happy to support you because I’ve been through this and know how terrible it is. Your pain sounds so similar to mine! I would not at all amount the pain to something more sinister because fibroid pain can be incredibly intense. I completely understand your fears! But in all likelihood all will be well once you’re through surgery.

    I also had to go by myself for surgery because of Covid restrictions. I was so so scared! But, I was honest with my doctor about my fears and she was so kind. I cried pretty much the whole time in pre-op! She made sure to give me something (versed I think) before wheeling me off so I’d be relaxed by the time I got to the OR and it really helped.

    I was meant to be outpatient - I had a robotic surgery with only key hole incisions - but it was a very long surgery because of how giant my fibroids were and I wasn’t out until about 10pm. I didn’t feel comfortable going home so they let me stay the night and by morning I was ready to leave. I thought being alone would be horrible, but honestly I was so tired and out of it that it was kind of nice not having anyone there. The nurses came in frequently and the time after surgery went very fast. It was the pre-op time alone that was hardest, but even that went pretty fast.

    You’re going to do great! I spent so much time worrying before me surgery - I scheduled mine almost two months out so it was soooo much time waiting and panicking! And all for nothing because I was fine (as always!).
    im just so pleased all went well and you are amazing doing that alone!!! Anxiety is crippling me right now! I looked at my notes to when they told me my endometrium was 19.3 and it says my fibroid is D1 29.97mm D2 36.55 avg.D 33.26 volume 17.188cm so I have no idea what that is but it’s there in the posterior wall.

    i hate all this worry I have tried eating and I’ve not eaten in 5 days I try to but I keep wanting to be sick. I try drinking small amounts of juice but again I can’t and I know I’m not doing myself any favours but I just want to know I’m ok like everyone else does. Rung the fast track biopsy at the hospital today as they said if I don’t hear back by the 1st I’ve got to ring them and they just told me they will get round to it as soon as they can �� I’m hoping the 14th will
    come round quick and it’s all taken away but the thing is like yourself I’m worried sick going through this all alone and I’m hoping I’m not in there that long although 2 nights max but even then I’m thinking that’s like a year it’s all to much I hate all this just wish I could feel not jam but honestly thank you so much for giving me your lovely advice and I’m so glad to feel less alone

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Endometrium thickness 19.3mm

    Hey! I just wanted to check in and see how you’re doing with your surgery coming up soon.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Endometrium thickness 19.3mm

    Quote Originally Posted by ErinKC View Post
    Hey! I just wanted to check in and see how you’re doing with your surgery coming up soon.
    Thank you so much I am in bits to be honest I’m an absolute nervous wreck! I’ve now been diagnosed with gallstones a little while ago and I’ve been in agony around my shoulder blades and my rib cages it’s agonising! I’ve got to also have my gallbladder removed at some pint soon but I feel so awful as I just need to get better after this hysterectomy and try and get round to have the gallbladder and stones removed as this is another worry 🤦🏼*♀️I hope you are well and thank you for thinking of me my anxiety is through the roof!

  9. #19
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    Feb 2009

    Re: Endometrium thickness 19.3mm

    Quote Originally Posted by Lilcharlie View Post
    Thank you so much I am in bits to be honest I’m an absolute nervous wreck! I’ve now been diagnosed with gallstones a little while ago and I’ve been in agony around my shoulder blades and my rib cages it’s agonising! I’ve got to also have my gallbladder removed at some pint soon but I feel so awful as I just need to get better after this hysterectomy and try and get round to have the gallbladder and stones removed as this is another worry 🤦🏼*♀️I hope you are well and thank you for thinking of me my anxiety is through the roof!

    I’ve had my surgery cancelled as I’ve got a gallbladder infection I’ve just had the ambulance ladies out and they told me I am at high risk of sepsis if I go ahead with my hysterectomy so I’ve now got to take a 2 week course of antibiotics and rebook my surgery 😭Kore worry on top of everything else! She diagnosed me with acute cholecystitis and said I need to get my temperature down as it’s 38 so I’ve got to take regular paracetamol and being watched if I go like a Homer Simpson colour and I just can’t cope with all this worry I’m dreading it all but gutted now I can’t have my op. Now I’m still
    going to be worrying of the C worries again just when I was a step closer to getting answers

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Endometrium thickness 19.3mm

    Oh my, I'm SO sorry that's happened! What terrible timing and luck. I'm glad that they've caught it and are treating you, but I can only imagine the amount of stress and anxiety you're having!

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