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Thread: Weird Backache = Pancreatic Cancer Fears

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Weird Backache = Pancreatic Cancer Fears

    About 1 in 5 people who take antibiotics develop antibiotic-associated diarrhea.
    I've had 'random' back pain on and off for a few weeks now, the amount of people who get random aches and pains may surprise you, if you haven't heard about it its because its usually nothing, and so common!

    If you're not satisfied with your GP's response then I highly doubt any of our responses will satisfy you either...
    have you spoken to your GP about your health anxiety?

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Re: Weird Backache = Pancreatic Cancer Fears

    I am still stressed about this as my back ache in left mid area remains (nagging ache, don't feel it most of the time) and I now sometimes get random pains in other parts of back that come and go. I am trying to contact GP to arrange a private CT scan so I can check if anything serious is causing this but they don't answer the phone and she says she won't do it over email. I will try again tomorrow. Itching has subsided which is a positive. Stools don't smell bad anymore and haven't changed colour but remain on the small, soft side. Weight loss is still a slight concern, I am not losing more weight but I am not putting it back on either, I am about a stone below where I should be. The only other thing is about 2 years ago after a few liver function tests revealed elevated high gamma gt my previous gp ordered an ultrasound to check liver and it was clear, I am not sure if that scan could see pancreas though and I had no back symptoms at that time. I did have another blood test four months ago and the gamma gt levels had come down but were still a little bit elevated (76) so I am a little concerned that could be linked to something. All in all I am just trying to distract myself a bit, appetite isn't great but not bad either. I am worried that this chronic health anxiety issue also is causing me to overload on oxidative stress which can cause issues too. I am kind of torn, if I go through with more bloods and CT scans they will cost me money and also there will be at least a few more weeks of extreme stress as I await the results and possible further testing. I will have caved in to my fears and went through the desperate search for reassurance and certainty again. On the other hand I don't think i am mentally strong enough or equipped enough to just write these symptoms off, to live with them and hope for the best that they are nothing. I feel I will constantly ruminate on them, and in the best case scenario exacerbate anxiety causing possible other symptoms. I don't know how you guys resolve this stuff. Either way it will be difficult :(

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Re: Weird Backache = Pancreatic Cancer Fears

    Finally got through to my GP earlier today. My goals were to get a blood test sorted, to get a referral for a CT scan of abdomen region and organs therein and to get an increase in citalopram dosage from 10mg to 20mg. She will do bloods next Thursday and has increased Citalopram. However she has referred me for a colonoscopy even though I flat out said my anxiety is caused by nagging mid left back ache and a scan would help ease my anxiety if clear. Because of my gurgling stomach and mild diarrhae (soft stools last couple of weeks) she is scheduling colonoscopy first and said she would see after that. I had to go public on colonoscopy as it is expensive so that may take months. I don't mind having one as I have some very mild abdominal issues (possibly anxiety) and sometimes see blood on toilet paper (but have seen this on and off for years and previously it was caused by fissures). Anyway, I hope she is right and that my fears about pancreas/liver are not her main concern. I also hope there is no issue with colon but at my age, 44, I think it is no bad thing to get my first colonoscopy and hope there is no issue there. Finally I hope the increase in citalopram dosage will help me in fretting and ruminating less on this kind of stuff. I feel like a complete self-obsessed failure at times, going around obsessing about my symptoms in a worrisome mood. My son is 6 today and this is what I am doing - I am f**ked up!

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Re: Weird Backache = Pancreatic Cancer Fears

    Not in a great place at the moment. Back ache in my left mid back area persists, it's probably nearly 3 months now which is very concerning. The ache isn't severe but occasionally seems to flare up and throb for a few minutes. I spoke to an online doctor today and explained the symptoms and she is concerned by length of time that ache is persisting. I also mentioned loose stools and weight loss to her. In fairness my stools have not changed colour and have always been a bit loose. I did lose 7 or 8 kg in the last year and a half but in the last four months I have stayed roughly the same weight. Still waiting on my blood test results from my GP, they did liver but don't think they checked pancreatic enzymes. They haven't got back to me so I'm hoping that means there is nothing alarming there. Anyway I asked the online GP to refer me for a scan and she will send me a referral letter. I am hoping it is for a CT scan rather than ultrasound as CT is more accurate in catching anything bad. I was concerned by her saying she doesn't think it is muscular, she mentioned gastritis or gallstones but also she said she wanted to check for liver or pancreas issues. I feel as though it will be a hellish time until I get the results of the scan.

  5. #15

    Re: Weird Backache = Pancreatic Cancer Fears

    How did you get on? I notice it's almost a year since your last update. I hope everything has turned out well for you!

  6. #16

    Re: Weird Backache = Pancreatic Cancer Fears

    I found this thread as I have been dealing with something similar only on my right side. A strange, twisting/squeezing pain that comes and goes very quickly when I move or twist my back in a certain direction. It has been going on for 2 years now and I had ultrasounds of my kidney's and abdomen with no findings to explain it. It is right around the 11th rib on my right side/flank. Sometimes I only notice it once or twice a day (rarely not at all) but other days it's more persistent. Very frustrating and I empathize with you.

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