Just got back home from my appointment. Once again, my GP was just lovely. She really is an absolute God send. She sat and talked with me for half an hour and I listed every symptom I had and she explained in detail why a brain tumour wouldn't be causing them. She did say that she'd refer me since I'd been having persistant headaches but she wouldn't be doing it from a clinical standpoint; it would purely be to put my mind at rest because she doesn't believe I have a brain tumour. She informed me she has 3,500 patients and only 2 of them have brain tumours.

I've said it before and I'll say it again; doctors like her are worth their weight in gold.

I'm seeing her in a couple of weeks so she told me to think on the scan and if I decide to go with it, she'll get me referred, but if not, that's fine too. I'm torn. If I have a clear scan, the relief would be out of this world. What scares me is the waiting around and the terrifying wait for results; I know what that will do to me. Got some thinking to do.