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Thread: One thing after another-pancreatic cancer

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2019

    One thing after another-pancreatic cancer

    I wrote on here before I think that I had a colonoscopy in February. Ever since I’ve had non stop acid reflux and it’s just another thing that’s sending me spiralling. I have completely changed my diet, I’m literally only 25 and was never overweight despite everything online saying this is the main cause and nothing is working. I have now lost a load of weight and am at the lowest weight I have ever been because I can’t eat which is adding to my cancer fears. They have put me on a month course of PPI but I am now freaking out that this is actually pancreatic cancer that has been missed or that because there is constantly acid in my throat I am going to get throat cancer. I get a gurgling sometimes in my throat and have a sore throat all the time now eventhough I have been eating no acid foods, no chocolate, no coffee, no tomatoes or anything of the actually enjoyable things in life.
    This is more of just a vent that I’m just miserable that I went to put my brain at rest about something else( although they did find a polyp) and developed a weird new symptom that my brain has now latched on to.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: One thing after another-pancreatic cancer

    Sometimes you have to try several PPi’s before you find one that’s suitable for you. My sister went through almost everyone available before they settled on one.

    Weight loss is understandable, you’ve changed your diet, presumably cutting out fatty food and as you say, the enjoyable stuff etc. Also you are stressed out and we know anxiety makes weight drop off.

    BTW contrary to what you read online. My sister has never been overweight, in fact she could do with some extra and she has terrible acid reflux.
    It’s a cruel beast that you feed…..


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: One thing after another-pancreatic cancer

    Same! Never overweight and while I never had acid reflux, I had silent reflux. In that I don't feel the acidity, I just seemingly have gas all the time in my stomach and a phlegm feeling in my throat. I tried Omeprazole which made me feel awful. I took a while for me to settle on Pantoprazole which I've been taking for a few months now and works great, though I still have to take Gaviscon every now and then depending on what I eat.
    For months before I started taking the PPI I lost so much weight! I became afraid of eating because of how awful it made me feel. Not to mention anxiety burns A LOT of calories!
    Honestly, nothing you've said is giving me cause for concern. So many people on this forum have dealt with those exact symptoms

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2019

    Re: One thing after another-pancreatic cancer

    Quote Originally Posted by Sparkling_Fairy View Post
    Same! Never overweight and while I never had acid reflux, I had silent reflux. In that I don't feel the acidity, I just seemingly have gas all the time in my stomach and a phlegm feeling in my throat. I tried Omeprazole which made me feel awful. I took a while for me to settle on Pantoprazole which I've been taking for a few months now and works great, though I still have to take Gaviscon every now and then depending on what I eat.
    For months before I started taking the PPI I lost so much weight! I became afraid of eating because of how awful it made me feel. Not to mention anxiety burns A LOT of calories!
    Honestly, nothing you've said is giving me cause for concern. So many people on this forum have dealt with those exact symptoms
    I think this is potentially something I’ve had but now it’s been made worse by the colonoscopy? I had a weird chronic cough for years and mucus that no one could figure out, ct scan on my chest was clear and things and maybe it has been this all a long. I also have trouble swallowing which I can’t tell is in my head or not. Could be both I guess. I guess if it was this, it is 100% no longer silent.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2019

    Re: One thing after another-pancreatic cancer

    Yes I have lost around a stone which is insane and has felt like I haven’t been trying. This started before I changed my diet as I was originally attending the doctors for bowel issues. It just feels like that’s the only tips are losing weight because to even have this so young you must be incredibly unhealthy is how it sounds. and also how do you cope with not being able to enjoy food anymore? It’s quite a miserable existence to live off of yoghurt and sweet potato. It just feels really stressful to not be able to enjoy food like a normal person anymore with all these reactivations especially when I wasn’t particularly unhealthy before as one of my OCD compulsions/obsessions was always eating “good foods” maybe it is anxiety that has done this.

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