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Thread: day 4 off effexor ??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    day 4 off effexor ??

    its now day 4 of coming off effexor..i know u r supposed to wean ureself off it but my doctor wanted me to cmoe off it in a week and then to start a new medication. i have decided to see how i feel for a few weeks before starting a new drug as have been virtually constantly on medication for 8 years. im now in day 4 and feeling really bizarre, very anxious, very panicky, every movement makes me have electric shocks in my head and up my arms, its almost like having severe static shocks in my brain. I feel absoloutly awful but really feel like i ahve to give my body a break from medication. i just wanted to know how long these side effects will last...another week??? two weeks???? i think i can cope with feelign like this for a couple more days but god it is so hard. feel like im going mad, am very scared and detatched feeling, have cried sporadically non stop for the last few days but while i feel absoloutly awful i dnt really feel depressed. just very scared and slightly mental!!! i just need to know how long this will last so that i can put all my energy inot gettign through it. any advice?/ i know im supposed to do it slowly but i just am so tired of going through the long term side effects becasue i ahve two small children and just want to feel free of medication ???? please help x
    The definition of normal means average...who the hell wants to be that!!

  2. #2

    Re: day 4 off effexor ??

    Hi Bethyboo!

    Just Googled Effexor quickly and see it's an antidepressant. I have come off similar medication 3 times and was told that it should take months! It did and with one antidepressant I got electric shocks every time I moved my head.

    Information from the manufacturers of antidepressants tells you that you cannot just stop suddenly as the side-effects are horrible.

    Found this link
    and it ends:

    Limiting Effexor Withdrawal

    When a person is going to be discontinuing Effexor, the doctor will wean him or her off slowly to minimize the risk of developing Effexor withdrawal symptoms. If withdrawal symptoms do occur, the doctor may return the person to his or her original Effexor dosage and then wean him or her off even more slowly.

    Is your doctor a bit old-fashioned? I thought everyone knew you had to come off antidepressants slowly. Why not ring NHS direct to get a second opinion and then go back to your doctor (or change doctor!)?

    You must feel awful and have to take care of yourself and your children. You may want to be free from meds but you need to do this carefully. Get friends/family to come and stay with you and see about a doctor's appointment as soon as you can!

    Rooting for you,


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: day 4 off effexor ??

    Hi Bethyboo,

    I can only compare this to when I came off citalopram to start effexor. I went from the maximum dose 60mgs to nothing in 3 days. I was sposed to take much longer but I decided (against the doctors oppinion) I didn't want to spread it out over longer, I'd rather just get it over and done with.

    I felt exactly the same, awful. I was fine for a few days but it just seemed to get worse and worse. The same detached feeling and the electric shocks. After 4-5 days it was almost unbearable but it did seem to reach a peak and start to get easier after that. On about the 7/8th day I started the new meds and felt much better within 24 hrs.

    I did have diazepam at the time to help me through, but it was a very tough time for me. AD's are not considered physically addictive so allthough you might feel bad, no harm will come to you because of it. If you are struggling I would definately at least give your doc a call and let him/her know how you are feeling.

    How long till you are allowed to start the new meds?

    “What wisdom do you find that is greater than kindness?”
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: day 4 off effexor ??

    hey helen, im supposed to start my new meds on monday as last monday was the dayi was supposed to stop taking effexor. my new meds are caled dulaxatine????? there a new antidepressant that is supposed to be better than effexor with minimal side effects, altho i think it depends on the person, i have alwasy suffered sever side effects. today i dont feel too bad as last night i enede dup taking half an effexor tablet, just felt so bizarreand horrible. I wanted to try and stay off drugs for a bit but to be honest i just dnt think i want to take the risk......
    The definition of normal means average...who the hell wants to be that!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: day 4 off effexor ??

    lol sorry the new medication is called duloxatine........x and im supposed to take 60 mg a day, ive never heard fo this drug before??
    The definition of normal means average...who the hell wants to be that!!

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