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Thread: MRI SCAN

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , United Kingdom.


    Hi all,

    Just need your help and support as I have received the appointment for my MRI scan which is 19th March and I am already started to feel worried about it.

    I am worried firstly because I am claustraphobic(Sorry about spelling) and am worried I take a PA whilst im in the tube thing!! Secondly, what if they find there is something really wrong with my brain...maybe they will actually find

    However, on the otherhand, maybe I wont take a PA and maybe the results will come back clear and that all my headaches are just migraines as originally thought!!!

    I am trying to feel ok about it but, I do feel really anxious about it. Has anyone else been for an MRI scan and can offer some kind words to help me through it??


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    I don't envy you that cos there is no way I could stay in there long enough!! Can they give you a light sedative? Have you told them you are agoraphobic so they will keep an eye on you?

    Good luck and let us know how it goes ok?


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.

    I haven't had one, but when they were trying to work out what was wrong with my 87 year old granny, this was just one of the many things she was subjected to.

    I went in with her - not literally in the tunnel obviously cos that would be really stupid, and I stayed holding her hand till the last minute, joking and making her laugh.

    Explain to the hospital how you feel. They were excellent whenever I had to go with my gran. Previously to her developing cancer, she had her catarachs done. She had the same consultant for both operations and follow ups. He could see how stressed my gran was, and decided that it was better for her to be accompanied at all times by me, than taken by a nurse. Unfortuately, this wasn't necessarily the best thing for me. The second operation didn't go as well as the first, and she had to go back as outpatients to have some "tweaking" done by laser. Guess who got given orange glasses, and had the thrill of sitting with her gran whilst they lasered her eye. Nice. Not.

    Just explain to them how you are feeling. I'm sure that if the medical staff were half as nice as those at the DRI, then you will be fine, and they will let you take a friend/partner in for support.

    At the end of the day it's ten minutes of something not that nice, but a life time of putting your mind at rest that you have actually got a brain.

    Good luck babe, and I hope everything goes ok for you.


    What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    , , USA.
    Hiya Sadie,

    Just wanted to give you a little information from someone who has had one and is also "VERY" claustrophobic (check spelling) . I`m not sure if things are the same in the UK as here in the US, but when I had mine done I was terrified of all the things you have mentioned, and guess what? I actually made it, and better yet it was`nt that bad. Initially sure, but once you are in you will be fine. I had a good experience I suppose because like Charlie mentioned the folks there were very good, very accomodating and very patient. They actually gave me a set of head phones to wear into the tube, and you can listen to any radio station you like. That helps with the loud noise inside the tube, and there is cool running air in the tube, kinda like on the airplane, so that helped me with the breathing problems I would`ve suffered from anxiety, and last but not least once in the tube there is a mirror placed above your head that allows you to stay in contact and focused on the technician in the booth who is performing the test. My tech. was a lady so periodically her voice would come over the head set they gave me asking if I was alright and reassuring me that she was right there in case I needed immediate assistance. Not sure how they arrange the mirror above your head, but you can see the person in the booth performing the test so that was very comforting to me. I`m sure you will do just fine too. I hope this info. has helped calm your fears about it somewhat. Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Take care,

    Diana xxxx

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    , , Canada.
    Hi Sadie,
    I just would like to wish you luck and hope all is well for you.

    Prayers and best wishes only!


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Thanks everyone,

    I will do what I usually do...get really worked up about it until Im there and then I will be ok!!! (hopefully)

    Thanks for the support though everyone...Its a month away so plently of time to get myself ready for it and I will let you all know how I got on!!

    Take care


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I had MRI scans on my knees, so luckly I was only half way in the tunnel with my head sticking out.

    The whole thing takes about 20 minutes from start to finish, and if you explain to the nurse that you are having problems, they will be able to help you.

    The good news is they give you head phones, so you can take your favorite CD and listen to that while you are in there. Don't worry about it being embarrassing as no one else can hear it but you.
    And the nurses are in contact with you all the time you are in there, so you are not alone. They can talk to you through the headphones and you can talk back to them by using a button.

    good luck !

    Love, light and Best wishes
    Liz xxx

    [] Panic Monster & Scatty Eccentric

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
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    I had an MRI scan about 10 years ago. The first time I went in I paniced and they got me out straight away. This was at the Royal Surrey in Guildford. All the nurses and doctors were wonderful and rebooked the appointment for me as I couldn't continue. They also arranged for me to have valium and take one of my own CD's to listen to. The second time I got through it no problem as the valium and CD relaxed me. They also let me have a good look around the 'tunnel' and showed me how far in I really was, etc.

    I really hope you get on OK. I had a colposcopy the other day and had wonderful care during the process because I told them I got panic attacks. I knew I had to do it as it was life saving and I have two young children that need looking after.

    You can do it. And if I was you, phone the MRI clinic and ask them if you can pop in for a look round and if valium and taking a cd or tape is an option at that particular clinic. Explain to them your anxieties - they'll be more than used to it and may even suggest something themselves.

    Let us know how you get on and lets also hope that the results are good and not bad as well.

    Good luck

  9. #9
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    I just had an MRI scan two days ago as part of a medical check up, and I hate to tell you it's not the most comfortable experience. You will feel quite enclosed and the machine is quite noisy. They'll give you earplugs and a panic button so you can stop it at any time. It's quite bright in the tube, and you have to lie very still with your head enclosed in what feels like a plastic cage. There's a little mirror in front of your eyes that works like a reverse periscope so you can watch your feet (and anyone coming into the room).
    I kept my eyes closed and tried to relax. I've become quite good at relaxing over the years, so I lay and thought about walking along a windswept beach. (I also thought about poor Jennie Bond enclosed in that box with the water and rats! At least this wasn't so bad). The scan took about fifteen minutes.
    What I'd recommend you do is try to take fifteen minutes every day to lie as still as you can (with earplugs in) and relax all the muscles in your body. Buy a book, if you haven't already got one, that will teach you a technique. Personally, I start by tensing then relaxing my toes and then feet, ankles, shins, knees, thighs etc.. I breathe deeply and calmly, and try to think nice, warm thoughts.
    Perhaps you could get a cardboard box from the supermarket and lie with your head inside this, to get used to the enclosed feeling (I'm not trying to be funny, I think this could help!)
    I've suffered anxiety and panic for over twenty years, but my scan was perfectly clear. I'm sure yours will be too. Good luck.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Is your email address correct cos I am getting loads of returned emails. Can u check please.



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