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Thread: Toothache!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007



    Ok so as well as being agoraphobic I have a mortal fear of the dentists, but it's finally happened, i have such evil toothache tht i have to go and get this thing taken out of my head!! Today(sunday) I had to phone the out of hours doc to get some antibiotics (my 4th lot in as mnay months) so today i have taken antibiotics and more painkillers than i care to think about but because i tend to gulp air when im taking pills i now feel soooo sick like im going to throw up any second (something else im not overly fond of) and to top it all because i have been taking pills all day i havent taken my ciprimil and i feel very woozy - not a good day at all :( :(
    So i have to go to the dentists which im terrified about but i know i cant keep going on like this - need some support, some suggestions about how to get through and how to stop feeling sick when taking tablets and oh i dont know just someone to listen to all my woes!!
    not a good day - want to cry and take this tooth out myself to stop it hurting and to stop feeling sick - i HATE feeling sick almost as much as i hate being anxious and woozy - oh and becasue it hurts to eat iv been avoiding it all day - and if i dont eat like every 3 hours th at also makes me nauseaus, man this truly truly sucks and i want it to be the day after iv had my tooth out and feel all better.

    sorry bit of a rant - but at least i can feel a bit better by doing it

    love a sick and in pain

    anna xoxox

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Toothache!

    Oh, Anna, my heart goes out to you!!! Toothache is not nice. It's one of my worst fears too getting toothache & having to get a tooth out. I like you hate taking too much medication in case I feel all weird and spacey.

    I don't know what to say to you to make it all ok except this.....I do know how you are feeling, it is normal to feel the way you are feeling, you are allowed a good rant....and, although it feels like you will always feel like this, the dentist will sort it, and very soon you will feel no more pain & it will all just be a bad memory.

    I wish I could help & take that tooth out for you right now.

    Do you have a relaxation cd you could listen to to help you take your mind of it a little & to help calm you down a little?

    Hope it all goes ok, please let us know.

  3. #3

    Re: Toothache!

    Quote Originally Posted by Annabelle View Post

    Ok so as well as being agoraphobic I have a mortal fear of the dentists, but it's finally happened, i have such evil toothache tht i have to go and get this thing taken out of my head!! Today(sunday) I had to phone the out of hours doc to get some antibiotics (my 4th lot in as mnay months) so today i have taken antibiotics and more painkillers than i care to think about but because i tend to gulp air when im taking pills i now feel soooo sick like im going to throw up any second (something else im not overly fond of) and to top it all because i have been taking pills all day i havent taken my ciprimil and i feel very woozy - not a good day at all :( :(
    So i have to go to the dentists which im terrified about but i know i cant keep going on like this - need some support, some suggestions about how to get through and how to stop feeling sick when taking tablets and oh i dont know just someone to listen to all my woes!!
    not a good day - want to cry and take this tooth out myself to stop it hurting and to stop feeling sick - i HATE feeling sick almost as much as i hate being anxious and woozy - oh and becasue it hurts to eat iv been avoiding it all day - and if i dont eat like every 3 hours th at also makes me nauseaus, man this truly truly sucks and i want it to be the day after iv had my tooth out and feel all better.

    sorry bit of a rant - but at least i can feel a bit better by doing it

    love a sick and in pain

    anna xoxox
    Try not to worry....dentists dont really like treating patients that are that nervous anyhow. You could ask them if they would refer you for sedation. its not like being knocked out and its a lot safer. you are awake but dont care....kinda like being drunk. you would need someone with you to get you home as sit with you for a bit. talk to your dentist about the best way to get through this. they cannot touch you without your consent sooooo if you dont want it done there they cant do it but they can refer if you ask.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Toothache!

    Hi Anna

    Go to the dentist, tell him you are terrified and he will be kind to you I promise!!!

    If you dont tell them you are scared they cant know!!!

    You will be fine

    Luv kaz x x x
    Last edited by kazzie; 12-08-07 at 23:18. Reason: typo

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Toothache!

    I have made an appointment for friday but i have been throwing up all day due to a bad reaction to the antibiotics - my doc said to stop taking them and any painkillers and avoid eating or drinking for a few hours, so now i feel sick have a toothache i cant take anything for and am all woozy from being hungry and not taking my ciprimil. This day has been very very bad and i need a hug and a magic wand to make it go away nw please.

  6. #6
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    May 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Toothache!


    Luv Kaz x x x

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Toothache!

    Awww Annabelle

    Have a hug from me too hun !

    Hope you get your tooth sorted out soon .


    "If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Toothache!

    thanks guys - it means a lot to get support here - i know i havent been around very long but you guys are a little life line!!


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Toothache!

    Hi Annabelle,

    Well I can do the hug - but not the magic wand I'm afraid!!

    When I had toothache I left it for about 3 days because of my fear of the dentist - although I do go for check ups regularly because my teeth are so soft.

    Anyway, when I finally went I got 'told off' for not going before! I'm lucky I have a very considerate dentist who knows how very scared I am of any treatment.

    It turned out I had an abcess and so had to visit about three times in as many weeks. I've got to say I'd rather have the anxiety of going to the dentist than the pain of that abcess - it nearly drove me round the bend!

    Just try and think beyond the appointment - and the relief you'll feel when it's been sorted !!

    PS: I find that swallowing tablets with a piece of chewed bread tends to make the task a lot easier - and no wind!

    big hugs

    ...Nothing takes the past away like the future...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Toothache!

    hi all

    Well after establishing that the antibiotics i was on were making me need to hug the porcelin for 2 day i feel much better!! new antibiotics, tooth doesnt hurt so much and i have an appointment on friday at 10:00am (nice and early so i cant get to worked up!) still terrified but in a its not happening to me head in the sand sort of way at the moment - come thursday night/friday morning it not going to be pretty.
    just think this is the first step back to being able to eat hard stuff again!

    ugh! ok not going to wind myself up untio at least tomorrow - going to make myself some soft lunch.

    love anna xox

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