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Thread: Being left behind

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Being left behind

    Because I'm not as ill as I was 6 months ago, and I am slowly getting some independance again. [8D]

    I'm convinced people are starting to forget how ill I am.
    Yes, okay am I not a totally sofa loving panic monster, but I still have times when I'm full of panic and need my sofa and a valium.[xx(]

    I feel everyone is returning to life and moving on and I am being left behind. :( I'm wondering if everyone is forgetting that I find it hard to concentrate for long periods of time, that I have a brain like murky water and so I can't always think clearly and talk in a way that make sense or that I am de-personalized for long periods of time. That I'm still scared to go to bed with the light off and that I still wake up with a stress'ometre that reads 2 or 3 before I have even got dressed for the day.

    I am feeling more like my old self, and it is great to "come back" again, smile and joke. But I just don't want to feel left behind and forgotten about.

    Does anyone else have these feelings of being excluded while everyone gets on with life?

    Love, light and Best wishes
    Liz xxx

    [] Panic Monster & Scatty Eccentric

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Liz

    Maybe people are just realising that you are able to cope for longer periods and are happy for you to do that? The good sign there is that you are not as ill as you were - otherwise you would have no respite periods.

    If people understood you when you were more incapacitated, let them know that you have periods when you are not too well now - they will understand again and help you when it is needed.

    Really great that you are feeling more your old self again - it does tend to hit us every now and again, but Liz - you seem to be doing really well - don't kick yourself for having 'dips'! Well done!


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.

    Just like ALL the time

    Particularly when mates jet off abroad on holiday. And occassionally I don't get invited out cos my mates know I won't/cant' go, so I don't even get asked.

    I used to get quite upset about it, till one day Janet said how she doesn't ask me out as much with her cos it upsets her when I say no. We had a big heart to heart, and I explained it wasn't anything personal - I just find it hard to push myself sometimes.

    Now she asks me out more and I force myself more! Equal two happier friends!

    Don't worry about it though Liz, just keep battling on, and you will find that you start to slip back into old routines and habits sometimes without realising it!



    What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi all,

    Ok on this subject let me throw this one in. This is something i would never tell my mates as they will think i am a total nutter because its so hard too explain.

    Does anyone ever feel that life is like a play or a film that you have a role in but feel you cannot commit? A bit like you are standing in the wings while everyone plays there part and fully enjoys life but does not realize that they are just playing a part.
    Sometimes i wish i could just throw myself into life and forget everything i know and feel and become totally absorbed in this 'play'.
    The easiest way to describe these feelings is too relate them to that film what Jim carrey was in called 'The Truman Show' but in reverse....i am the only one who knows life isn't real and everyone else is deluded.

    Does this make sense to anyone or am i just mad?



    I used to be extremely indecisive but now I am not so sure...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hey All

    Makes total sense to me everything that has been said.
    Im constantly thinking im not living 'in the real world' and its kind of spinning around without me.

    I, like you charlie, see all my mates going on hols or going out etc and smile and look at their pics when all I want to do is scratch their eyes out with jealousy. Mad innit?

    I ve been a bit reclusive and a completely naff mate this last month or so...not called or seen my mates and because I didnt bother with them they havent bothered with me (Ive since found out they were letting me be as they thought I was having 'one of my phases'). I went to a birthday party on saturday in a noisy pub and went round my mates yesterday for a girly night in and realised what gossip and laughs I had been missing. Hence a promise to myself to make more of an effort before my mates forget me

    love Sarah

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.
    I know

    Mad isn't it Sarah

    But you'd still not get me on that plane to Spain!!! Janet and Mima are going next month and keep asking me to go! Fat chance. I don't even feel comfortable stopping at a friends house a mile up the road!

    I really am getting fed up of being like this though - like Jonny I also feel like I'm in some sort of play, but I'm also very aware that life is passing me by.

    I keep getting premenitions about being some mad spinster aunt, still on the shelf at 60, cos nobody can come with my madness. I'll have lots of cats and all my friends kids will visit me, cos we get on, and they don't care if I can't get a taxi to a nightclub thirty miles away!


    What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.

    I read your post and thought "wow". I can so relate to that.

    When I was really bad, I was so angry at people who were off ill and there was I slogging away at work and feeling absolutely crap! I kept wanting to shout out - "I am not better you know and if you lot went through what I am"

    I got very angry and resentful about it and still am in some ways.

    There was this girl at work (years ago - when I was suffering really badly) and she decided that she had ME. God you should have seen all the sympathy she got and time off work. I was there struggling in every day, sat panicking most days, crying in the loos etc etc and yet no-one seemed to care about me. Cos I was at work they all decided that I must be ok but I was at work cos I was trying to fight back! She just took the time off and was off for months. I was so angry at everyone for not noticing that I was suffering more than her and I was still working.

    I still feel this anger now - we have a guy off work and he has just been signed off for another 6 weeks cos he has his leg in plaster following a knee injury. I got pulled up for having 13 days off sick since July last year and he will have knocked up 47 days by the time he comes back. Makes me fume!! Cos I am off with anxiety related stuff - like a reaction to some medication then it is not acceptable but he can take 8 weeks off work and no-one bats an eye-lid.

    I am getting very stressed at work cos I am doing all his stuff and the other guy I work with just wants to surf all day.

    So like you I want to say "hang on you lot I am not fully better yet". They don't care, have no sympathy and just say "Oh nicola is off sick again", except I am sometimes dialled in from home to work anyway.

    So yes I can see what you are saying. People see you getting better and then forget that just cos you feel a bit better then you aren't cured and you are still working hard at conquering it.

    Sorry for the rant but this post touched a nerve with me!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    I agree wholeheartedly.

    I also have struggled through work for the last few years, some days not so bad as others.

    At the moment we have 2 women off on long term sick, with bad backs.

    Others will come into work moaning about their headaches, their colds etc and get everyones sympathy.

    No one ever asks how I am unless I have been off sick for any reason.

    As you say, we go into work so this equals getting better and not still suffering.

    Well, I got one thing to say! We struggle but we don't give in!!!

    Kate x

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.
    Just a strange thought...

    Maybe this panic lark makes us stronger and better/more determined people??

    love Sarah

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    , , .
    At moment I am struggling at work. My concentration is very low, and I have to make a double effort, and check everything. Because of this my management have decided I am hungover. This is not true as you know, but a sympton of stress. I have an awful lot on my mind and should not take it to work with me, but hey we are human and have feelings.
    To be fair to management they have moved me to another department, which I enjoy working in, and am making so much effort there cos I could be kept on permanantly.
    I have only made silly mistakes, like dating something wrong, nothing life threatening so quite pleased with myself, but they are monitoring my every move and picking me up on everything, which is adding to the stress.
    Have got through worse I suppose, and have a mate at work who is appalled at the treatment I get and is a shoulder for me.
    Dont get me wrong am not a doormat, and stand up for myself, but sometimes you can get worn down

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