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Thread: Feeling Lightheaded

  1. #1

    Feeling Lightheaded

    Has anyone experienced this sensation? I get it on a regular basis and it lasts anything from 15 minutes to nrearly 2 hours and sometimes happens 2 or 3 times a day. There are days when it doesn't happen at all though. It's a strange feeling, like my head is all fuzzy and I'm going to faint. It's as if there's not enough oxygen getting to my brain (yes I do have one lol), although I don't have any difficulty breathing. This sensation used to scare me, now I just find it unpleasant.

    I''ve had quite a few tests done at the hospital and they've ruled out anything physical and said it was anxiety. Been prescribed Citalopram but haven't taken any. Is this a common symptom?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    , , USA.
    hello Crispy,

    OH Yes! That is one of my major symptoms.(I also get depersonalation with it) Like you I was scared of it then it became a daily thing that I am used to it! It is a anxiety symptom one of the many Good luck


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    This is very common. Here is a bit from my website ...


    A very common feeling that is very worrying and very frightening. You feel as though you are going to faint or the whole world seems to be spinning and you cannot focus on things. Your vision is blurred and this causes more Panic as you are sure that you will pass out or collapse. Even when you convince yourself that you will not faint, the feeling of un-steadiness or dizziness remains. This feeling can go on for minutes or hours and there seems to be no end to it.

    Try to steady your breathing and sit quietly somewhere so that you can concentrate on it. The more you Panic and worry the worse you will feel. Try to occupy your mind with something that doesn't mean you focus on the dizziness and if necessary lay down for a while to get your balance back.


  4. #4
    The strange thing is, I don't really feel dizzy. Just light headed and strange. Strange is probably a bit of a generalisation, but I can't think of any other way to describe it. I can go days without it happening before it comes back and hits me. My head feels really fuzzy when it happens as well. Like I can't think straight. Been happening for over six months now, so it doesn't really scare me anymore, but I would just like it to stop and feel "normal" again.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Crispy Cornflake,

    Do you feel it is more the depersonalisation feelings than actual dizziness?

    I get exactly the same feelings 24/7 but after years of it, I just try to ignore it now.

    I find that the more you worry about it, the worse it becomes.

    I think that as your anxiety decreases the feelings will become less intense.

    So, just carry on as you are and try not to dwell on the feelings too much.

    Kate x

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , .
    I think I also know this fuzzy feeling well. I think it's like I'm receding down a tunnel, in a way, that people and objects seem somehow far off. It usually comes after a bout of severe anxiety, which I now understand is my body's natural response to panic - depersonalisation. I don't worry about it so much now I understand it, and when it does happen, it's over much quicker.


  7. #7
    I still can't really define what anxiety is though. Or what it feels like. I don't feel anxious or panicky, then this feeling will just hit me, stay for a while then come back again. It doesn't scare me anymore, I just wish it would go away. I don't take any meds, so wonder whether these would stop it happening.

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