Hi Steve - and welcome.

The bloating, well I would put that down to nervous gas. Have you tried sucking an indigestion tablet or deflatine? It might help to calm it down a little bit.

The fear of speaking in public is a "normal" part of panic.
I wouldn't even type on the forum for fear of looking like an even bigger spanner than I do now!
I used to get my husband to type things and ask questions for me.
This too will get better with time. I think we worry that what comes out of our mouths isn't the same as what we are thinking, and we wonder if we make sense.

The sleep thing - that's horrible isn't it?
I would never go to bed as I was too frightened.
I now have a small nightlight and a radio.

The nightlight is just bright enough to take the edge off the darkness, without stopping others from getting to sleep. The radio is tuned to a talk radio station and is just loud enough for me to hear. As the talking is friendly it helps you to feel you are not alone and gives your brain something to keep it busy so that you can fall asleep.

Good luck !

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx

[] Panic Monster & Scatty Eccentric