Quote Originally Posted by Gordon View Post
I'd love to get a big group of Mental Health sufferers who are being denied benefits and organise a march on Parliament. Anyone up for it?

It's about time someone did something yes Gordon. If it weren't for the fact that I have agoraphobia and couldn't get to the Houses of Parliament I'd be first in the queue lol!

I find it shocking that so many people are denied benefits that they are entitled to. People who have paid their taxes and NI contributions for years and then just told they aren't entitled to benefits because their problem isn't visible!

This country sadly has become such a nanny state with far too many people claiming benefits that aren't entitled to them. I read in the newpaper the other week about families in other EU countries who are receiving Child Benefit and working tax credits because one of their parents is working here. These families are not even living in this country and yet we are paying them benefits.

How did our benefits system get in such a mess