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Thread: Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Tommorow

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Tommorow

    Hi All

    I went to see a consultant in October with regards to shooting pains on my left hand side of my lower abdomen. After a consultation and the consultant saying he thought everything was ok but he would organise a flexible sigmoidoscopy just to put my mind at rest I am at last going for it tommorow morning. In november the appointment came through but I cancelled it due to my HA, since then I feel that cancelling it has made the symptoms worse to the point where I have a differnt tense feeling very low in my left side in my groin area with a tingling and tense feeling in my lower back on the same side. I also get an uncomfortable feeling in that area on and off and sometimes shooting pains. On Tuesday I called the dept and asked to re schedule the appointment and the lady said she could fit me in on Thursday AM. I thought getting it over quickly would be the best option. I have been ok up to present but now I am starting to panic I have a tight chest and tingling in the end of my tongue and a burning sensation on the back of my hands. I feel agitated and I am worried that I wont sleep and so feel 10 times worse tommorow. I feel the not knowing whats going to happen tommorow plus the what if they find something and the visuals of been told I have cancer and them sending me off from my family not knowing the outcome is driving me to despair. I just hope everything is ok and my mind is relieved.

    Can anyone give me any advice.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Re: Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Tommorow

    Big hugs to you. Any medical procedure can be frightening. I have had one myself and survived. It is uncomfortable to an extent but thankfully it is quick. I am sure they will not find anything serious. Try and relax if you can because it will be harder on you going into it if you are super anxious.
    Do you have any ativan or something like that? If so I would take one and relax.
    Good Luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Tommorow


    No I only use propropanol and only when I am really bad.

    Just read nicolas post and now I am cr*ping myself.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Tommorow

    Hi Meewah

    I think the anticipatory anxiety of the proceedure is actually worse than having it done! I had a flexible sigmoidoscopy quite a few years back, it's not nice, but takes only 10-15 minutes and then its all over. But the night before and the journey to hospital was hell! They didn't find anything wrong with me and I'm sure you will be ok too. It's a big worry I know, but most times we have examinations, they turn out to be nothing

    Best of luck to you.

    “Can a man still be brave if he’s afraid?”“That is the only time a man can be brave,” ― George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Tommorow

    Mee - aww I can understand how you feel.

    I was convinced I had cancer to start with and even went to work the day after I was first told by the consultant that I had to have this procedure and burst into tears telling my boss that I needed time off for the appointments etc.

    You can opt for sedation whilst having it but I hate anything like that so had it without. Yes it was painful but it was less than 10 minutes and they can discuss the results with you immediately.

    I really didn't like the enema - I am not going to lie about that!

    I was also very sore afterwards and took the next day off work to recover. By that evening I was fine again.

    I am still not convinced I have Crohns but have to wait for further tests etc to confirm it.

    Good luck and I am sure you will be fine. Do you have someone to take you and stay with you?

    “Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbitt

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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Tommorow

    Thanks All

    Elspeth - I went and you are right the anticipatory anxiety is defo the worst thing.

    Nicola - I pulled all the stops, didn't sleep very well the night before, 3 hours sleep, I went in to the hills 2 hours before and did a bit of relaxation just listening to the wind in the trees etc.. when I arrived the staff were very nice, the place was great all new modern hospital with new equiptment. I explained I had HA and they took my blood pressure which suprisingly was fine. Anyhow I had the procedure and yes it gave me stomache ache but it was fine and they said everything was ok. They took some biopsies and said again that everything looked ok. Just to wait for the results. Ironically I was so pleased my BP was fine that that took presedence over the worry of the procedure. When I went out I noticed a young girl being comforted by a nurse, I stopped and told her it was nothing to worry about and that I had just had it 5 mins before.

    I agree anticipation is the worst thing about the unknown.

    Thanks for the supporting words.

    I love this site.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Tommorow

    Hello Mee

    I have just had the colonoscopy. I agree panic stricken but I kept on telling myself that the relief of knowing is much better. I have to say our hospital is the pits at the mo they are getting a face lift from the victorian days so you feel like you are already stressed in a stressed out environment.

    Glad it went well.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Tommorow

    Hi Mee

    So glad that everything went ok.

    I had biopsys too and it was all ok, said there was some inflammation but that was prolly due to going to the loo so much!! LOL

    Take care

    “Can a man still be brave if he’s afraid?”“That is the only time a man can be brave,” ― George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones

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