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Thread: Am Trying To Stay Positive

  1. #1

    Am Trying To Stay Positive

    Am 26 nearly 27 and been out of work since january last year. Since then have been trying to get work and nothing has come up since then am with an capabilities groupand they have accepted me for an 6 week placement but need to find somewhere. Have got job seeker allowance but if sign on every two weeks that brings around national insurance credits not money of any kind and havent been going so its stopped.
    Just everytime go there job center its infurating that the system is so unfair cant get any benefit.
    Am not disabled but suffer from mental health issues.
    The other problem has been benefits since 05 have struggled to find any way to get benefit.
    Have tried every avenue and there is nothing.
    Dont no what else can do am always searching for jobs recruitment sites uploading CV's but all end up doing is chasing people up constantly emailing phoning up etc leaving messages.
    Was diagonosed with depression in 03 and have been taken venlafaxine 150 mg daily for 3 half years but although life is far better now sometimes its hard to stay so positive and not get into that awful vicious circle of low mood > anxiety > depression>stuckinrut.
    Seems like nothing ever changes daily its not fair want to do home working stuff its all scams and what little there is , is a long process to little money.
    Hopefully will manage something soon am getting so fed up with this all the time.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Am Trying To Stay Positive

    Hi Breaking,

    Have you tried your local Citizen's Advice Bureau-just in case they can suggest any different benefit help.
    Might be worth a try.

    Best wishes,

  3. #3

    Re: Am Trying To Stay Positive

    Have been there before its more or less been through am going back to job center thanks

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