
It's no wonder your anxiety and the symptoms have to learn to let go!!!!

You've got too tight a grip on yourself, rather than learning to accept and live with the symptoms, you have turned yourself against them and are fighting them. This will only continue to feed the symptoms, you said yourself the deep relaxation helps. This is becuase you are doing the opposite of what you've done outside of your comfort zone and let go. Continue to practice the deep relaxation, find the things that help you feel better, and then take them out to those situtionas. And practice, practice don't have to jump into the deep in the first time..but practice letting go and you will notice the difference. It can happen as little as a month, but could take up to 3 months to see. But you have to be consistant and you have to change your thoughts.

I am telling you this because I did the same things, fought and tensed, they didn't help. It was after continued relaxtion of my body and thoughts that I have turned the corner and am very very close to being cured. The things I have learned mean that I will never ever experience severe anxiety again...I just can' mind will not allow my body to anymore. If you have any more questions let me know.
