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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Missed heartbeats!

    I have had anxiety/panic attacks for nearly six years now and have pretty well had all the symptoms during that time but one I thought I'd got used to was the heart irregularities but they are worrying me again.
    I get a fast heart rate sometimes (in fact I think its fast but my pulse is never much more than about 80) but that is my least frightening one, far more scary are the missed heartbeats which are happening daily at the moment whereas I usually get them once in blue moon.
    I've been scaring myself silly about this recently (its not happening in the night or at least if it is, its not waking me). Also my palpitations feel like a muscle twitching/fluttering rather than a fast heart beat.
    Over the years I've been a few times to the doctors and he's never been able to hear any irregularity - I did ring last week as I wanted to know if my palpitations were the same as everybody elses and he did feel what I described fell under my anxiety umbrella (it was a phone consultation) and offered to put me on the moniter but we both agreed that the likelyhood of capturing it was unlikely. My doctor does know me well and I like him but somehow I'm still fretting about it.
    I had such a good year last year with my anxiety and getting out and about on my own but then had a panic attack in Jan while out, which I have let get quite out of hand and unless one of the kids will come out with me I can't much further than the end of the street.
    Does anybody else have a) phases of missed heartbeats that are every few hours over a period of days? b) fluttering or twitching heart muscle/beat lasting a few seconds? c) Does it happen sometimes on movement aswell as when you're still?
    Love Piglet (I've used the name piglet as sometimes I find it hard to be brave)!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Piglet. Yes i get them all the time The doctor told me it was all to do with the stress.I suffer from post traumatic stress disorder. Like yourself i cant go out myself unless i have someone beside me.Its so scary my heart gets these palpations and pain in my chest. But if your doctor has put you on the ecg machine and your hearts fine try not to worry.But if you are like myself you still will.But as i said i suffer from that nearly everyday.Ijust try to forget them I tell myself i have had them so long and been to gps about them. And everything is fine. please try and chill if you need to talk we are all here for you. take care piglet and i no its hard but try not to worry about them as it feeds them if you do.I have been getting mine for three years now. take care ..bye fran1888

    Frances Gill
    Love & Respect to you all...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Thanks Frances,
    Have just done an hours yoga and 75 steps on my stepper and didn't get one missed beat or anything, then got one putting the washing in the machine. I'm going to try really hard not to concentrate on them so much and see if that helps - I had Ibs in Feb and was really down with it and couldn't have left the house if I'd wanted to but as soon as I genuinely stopped being scared it got better so I am hoping this might happen again with the heart worries.
    Best wishes

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    , , USA.
    Hi Piglet,

    I got those irregular hearbeats in the past as well. My doctor was nice enough to put me on the 24 hr monitor and it came out fine.

    One thing that was recommended to me was to start doing some exercise whenever an irregular heartbeat happens. That way, its a distraction and when you think about the abnormal heart beat you just relate it to exercise, which is pretty normal. I doesn't have to be like going out for a run but something like push ups or situps should be enough.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    hi piglet

    Yes i get them to nearly all the time. My doc has said they r anxiety related but it took me a long time to b reasured they r not dangerous and still being told there not. Even when i am relaxed i get them and when i am doing things so u r not on your own.

    I try not to let them bother me but when i have them alot it can b worrying,Yes i had palpatations to but i don't get them as much now. I am now over my anxiety {for now} but i am still getting ectopics {missed beats} i think i will have them all the time mine have been going on for 3.5yrs when i had my first anxiety/panic attacks.

    take care

    lin xx

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
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    Thank you so much everybody for answering, it has helped tremendously.
    I might print them off to keep in my handbag and everytime I get silly about it I could read them for reassurance (I wonder if I can do that).
    I think the site is great and have chuckled outloud at many things as it all feels so me!!!!
    I wish I didn't feel so embarassed/ashamed of having anxiety its just people around me seem to see me as so confident and strong. I'm trying to work on 'this is me, take me as I am' at the moment and be more honest about it rather than make up excuses all the time as why I can't do things (hiding it is really just adding more tension isn't it) my youngest can't understand why I don't just admit to people this is how I feel and why would I be ashamed anyway.
    Going off the point a little there - its just my goal this year is to work on my self-esteem.
    Thanks again
    Piglet x

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Piglet,

    You're totally correct in all your assumptions - ignore them and they subside.

    Palpitations: palpatations


    Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Piglet
    Welcome to the site. Just to let you know i've suffered with these ectopic beats for about 24 years now and i'm still here . Granted they still freak me out from time to time but its just a case of knowing how to deal with them when they happen.
    I'm like you can be doing something strenuous and not get any then i might be washing up and get a couple.....weird or what.
    Anyway take care.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Piglet,
    I've had them for nearly three years and get them just like you do. Some days are worse than others, but as everyone else has said, we have all been told they're not dangerous. Wish I knew how to convince myself, but we are all in the same boat and still here, so it must be true!!![8D]

    Have you tried any relaxation/deep breathing. I have got a good relaxation CD called Complete Relaxation, by Glenn Harrold and when I started using this I did feel calmer. I also take Vitamin B100 B Complex from holland and Barrett, Magnesium and Vitamin E and always have a bottle of Rescue Remedy about.

    Hope I've helped a bit.
    Take care, Linda.x

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Thank you again everyone - I feel so much better about it now and only had one today so far and that could have been as I was overbreathing abit ie; from my chest rather than my tum.
    Over the last 5/6 years I have picked up some tips/books/props etc which have really helped and I'll put those on the site sometime soon in the relevant section but I have to say coming on here would score right up on the top of my list of real help and reassurance, even before I had asked my question just reading some of the postings was reassuring. My other goal this year is not to brood or bottle anxieties up and now I feel I've got somewhere appropriate to go to ask.
    You've all really helped.

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