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Thread: O NO ACID REFLUX????????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004
    , , USA.

    O NO ACID REFLUX????????

    Ok im really worried here. I dont know what it might be. I keep getting this sensation that something needs to come up. Almost like i need to burp. But i never do. Then twice i got this bad taste in my mouth. I panicked when i got it because my friend told me she gets that before she vomits. So anyway i havent brushed my tongue in awhile. I brush my teeth but not my tongue for fear of gagging. Im so scared i might have acid reflux. I heard bad side effects from this medicine you take for it. And what if it starts damaging my esphogus OR WORSE!! what if i get sick. I go into panic automatically whenever i get that sensation or when i get that taste. I hope i dont have it but what if i do??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    I admit that I haven't heard of the particular illness (is that the right term?) that you mentioned, but I have had the icky taste before, and the feeling of wanting to burp without being able to.

    I understand that this may not be a solution to your problem (I have a fear of vomiting, but only in relation to my PAs and agoraphobia, and only in public), but what I have always been told to do when I feel like this is take a dose of Andrews Liver Salts. As bad as they taste, they have never failed to settle my stomach (within a few minutes) yet! Do you get those in the USA? I don't know an equivalent, but someone else might be able to point you in the right direction.

    I'm sorry I can't be anymore help, but just know that we're all here if you need to rant!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    , , USA.
    No i dont think there is a Andrews Liver Salts in the USA....but it does help a bit that im not alone. Have you ever v'ed from it?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Caitlyn,

    I've had that same taste in my throat and have also felt the need to burp without being able to. Don't worry, it's not a nice feeling but it won't do you any harm!!

    Sarah (seh1980)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    No, never You probably do just need to burp, but your fear of v'ing is tensing you right up, so you can't.

    You could try a few sips of tonic water, when you feel it happen - I've heard that usually helps a burp along. Another thing my mum has mentioned in the past is a sip of fizzy lucozade (do you have that over there? It's a fizzy isotonic drink, like athletes use, but not like cola etc.) to settle the stomach. My mum used to do that for morning sickness.


    p.s. Andrews is a white powder that you dissolve in a small glass of water and gulp down to settle indigestion, excess acid, gas etc. A bit like alka seltzer I think, but an ooooolllldddd-fashioned remedy (aren't they always the best? )

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    , , USA.
    What should i afraid im going to get car sick even though i never have...i dont know how im going to get over it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    I get acid reflux when i panic and dont let my food go down properly. It is like a burning senstaion in your throat and then hot liquid often comes up a little, it it not harmful but from one emetaphobis to another,,, it does make you feel a little sick. Just dont get wound up and you shouldnt suffer from it xx


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Just today i replied to 2 other topics about a similar thing -

    read these for my views ....

    tummy pains- Girls only pls. thank you.

    Back Pain caused by indigestion

    The acid in the mouth is horrid isnt it?


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    eugh, andx the more you get wound up, the more you get it. yuck!


  10. #10

    Re: O NO ACID REFLUX????????

    Hi, I am on 2 lansoprazole tabs per day and have had an acid problem for about 2 years ans i am still waiting for an endoscopy. one of the main problems i have is stomach pains from the acid build up every morning when i wake up. its like a numb pain which goes once im up and move around. also i have an extreme tiredness all day and my eyes feel especially tired. i find it hard 2 keep certain foods down and it is a hard condition 2 live with. the tablets did work at 1st but gradually the syptoms have come back. and even though i am very tired i find it difficult 2 relax and slepp at night, and then find it difficult 2 get up in the morning. the medication has effected my bowel movement so i eat well and take 2 doses or fibresure daily which has really helpped. i have had every blood test going but all came back normal. my mind will be at rest when i know 4 sure what is causing this, when i eventually get an endoscopy on the NHS (if they ever will!!). but until then it is making me very worried and pesimistic. does anyone have similar symptoms, such as the morning pains and tiredness?? x

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