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Thread: Hypochondria-induced panic--scared and frustrated

  1. #1

    Unhappy Hypochondria-induced panic--scared and frustrated

    I am new to this site though I've been dealing with health anxiety for years, I think. I haven't had an episode in years and it seems to be back now out of nowhere and I'm so upset about it. The problem is part of me thinks something is really wrong with me physically. I've visited doctors who all tell me I'm healthy, but I'm not entirely convinced. For instance, I just had a panic attack on the subway because I felt a bubble-like thing in my throat and chest and thought maybe it was a blod clot and that I was about to stop breathing and die right there. For the last weeks I've been so tired and feel like I have the flu, but with only the lethargy and achy limb symptoms. Is that anxiety or do I need to hunt down a doctor who will diagnose me with something real????? This is the daily struggle I face and it is so awful! I can't imagine living like this. What is the solution? I'm seeing a therapist, but not sure she's "getting it." (By the way, I still have that gas feeling in my chest and it's making me so anxious.) Any words would be so appreciated!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Hypochondria-induced panic--scared and frustrated

    Have you read the HA website page on the left for help?

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  3. #3

    Re: Hypochondria-induced panic--scared and frustrated

    yes, I have read it. And I've read other sites and books and have a workbook, but what I need is a personal doctor on hand at all times to reassure me, and that is unrealistic of course.

  4. #4

    Re: Hypochondria-induced panic--scared and frustrated

    so, Anyone have any experience with this lethargy and dizziness as a symptom of anxiety? My eyes also are so tired and heavy. The dizziness is what concerns me most. I had a CT scan 2 months ago and all they found was a sinus infection for which I took antibiotics. But then someone told me that CT scans are not so reliable in terms of finding smaller tumors or other neurological problems. I want an MRI, but my doctor already thinks I'm crazy. I'm scared. Are these symptoms normal? Please help!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Hypochondria-induced panic--scared and frustrated

    Hi Ali

    These are definately sypmtoms of panic and the CT would have picked up something serious. I get so dizzy with my anxiety and so so tired - you are tired because you are emotionally drained from all the worrying.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Hypochondria-induced panic--scared and frustrated

    hiya ali....i noticed that you replyed to another post and you mentioned that you were found to have sinus infection .....dizziness is caused by anxiety but can also be sinus too and feeling tired ..sore eyes/eye problems ...ive had sinus probs for years and the last few years my sinus has been severe with attacks of layrinthitis as well the first time i took labyrinthitis i was sitting at the kitchen table felt a bit giddy then the next thing i was hanging on to the table for i thought if i let go im going to spin onto the floor only lasted about 20 seconds doc said my sinus was severe and told me i had labyrinthitis...

    he also mentioned that sinus/ear probs are usually what sets people of on the road to anxiety ....even though my anxiety/panic is under control now sinus and my ears can still cause me to get anxious .


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