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Thread: Does anyone else get these symptoms?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Does anyone else get these symptoms?

    1. sudden sharp pain just above left breast . It stops you in your tracks but goes as quickly as it comes?

    2. A dull ache in left breast or just above left breast it can last a few hours but on another day not be there at all?

    3. Shoulders always hunched up into your neck ? causing back of neck to ache and probably explains pain in left breast. Sometimes the pain in left breast can wake me up..maybe I am sleeping on it too heavy?

    I have seen the doc and he tells me its "all muscular". But surely if it was muscular the pain would be there on going ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    I have that pain in my left breast quite often. It used to terrify me till I realised that it was muscular cos if I move my arms, it feels different..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    I used to get this from time to time a while ago (whilst doing lots of martial arts and way before panic set in). I get the ache a lot now (panic symptom), but the pain thing I've only had once or twice recently. Definately sounds muscular to me.

    You can try some *gentle* stretching to relieve both. Link fingers of both hands and raise both arms above your head to stretch up. You can also repeat this in front of you (curve your back slightly) and behind you (link hands the other way and raise them up behind you -- keep back straight).

    Like I said take this easy to start with (don't want any pulled muscles!). You can do this when you feel the pain/ache and also perhaps 3-4 times a day anyway (to try and relieve any build up). Soon you'll be able to feel when the muscle is tigh/relaxed and should get the hang of relaxing it.

    As for shoulder tension, one thing would be to do some shoulder rolls in the morning and again at midday -- just to relax and move them a bit. Do you work on a computer in an office? I get stiff neck/hunched shoulders from this and shoulder rolls work for me (also getting a nice chair position helps massively too...)


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    hiya emma, that is exactly the same syptom i get, i get of and on all day, i even been to 5 docs and they all say the same its muscluar pain, don'nt worry but i know how hard it is not to though x jwonka

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    , , Canada.
    I regularly catch myself with my shoulders hunched all the way up to my earlobes! It wreaks havoc with my neck, back and chest muscles too. For me, it's worse on the right side than the left. It is especially worse if I'm cold (you know the natural tendancy to bunch yourself up to stay warm) so I always try to make sure that I'm adequately dressed. The ebb and tide of the pain has everything to do with how tense the muscles are at any given time and a lot of times we're tensing them without even noticing! I think it's kind of like going to the gym without even leaving the couch! Real exercise is probably the best solution like others have said. I'll try it if you try it!!


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    1 and 2 are very common and muscles do not tense up and stay permenently tensed , Its all to do with posture and general levesl of tension that all alter all day long. A massage and/or yoga/ pilates/ Tai chi class will help enormously.

    3. The yogi bear posture - A massage and/or yoga/ pilates/ Tai chi class will help enormously, along with regular shoulder shrugging each hour.


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