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Thread: Does fluoxetine really work for anxiety and panic attacks?

  1. #1

    Does fluoxetine really work for anxiety and panic attacks?

    Hi.I started taking fluoxetine 20 a week ago for my anxiety and panic attacks.I am feeling very anxious and just want to know if it really helps with anxiety and panic attacks and how long does it take to work?My docter said i should go back to him in a month and then he will decide if i must stay on fluoxetine.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Does fluoxetine really work for anxiety and panic attacks?

    Hi There
    I suppose the difficulty is that all meds react differently to different people so what works for one doesnt for someone else and vice versa - you have to do what your doc says and listen to your own body not others experiences - there are always other med if this isnt for you but i would give it at least 6 weeks x

  3. #3

    Re: Does fluoxetine really work for anxiety and panic attacks?


    I Must Admit That Fluoxatine Has Helped Me Alot I Do Take It With Propananolol But It Does Help. Must Admit It Took About A Month Before I Felt The Effects Though
    What do I do When I am anxious? Play World of Warcraft Keeps My Mind Busy...

  4. #4

    Re: Does fluoxetine really work for anxiety and panic attacks?

    Thanks everybody.Ive been feeling more anxious since ive been on fluoxetine.I only started taking it a week ago but my hands shake alot now and this morning i woke up having a panic attack.My hands were sweating and i was extremely dizzy and nausues.I also have low blood sugar so i also feel anxious when my sugar goes too low.Does fluoxetine influence blood sugar levels?

  5. #5

    Re: Does fluoxetine really work for anxiety and panic attacks?

    Hi there,

    I'm on day 20 of fluoxetine and I have been on it before, it worked great for me last time and I was off it after 8 mths. I'm taking it again 2 yrs later as I've been having another serious bout of anxiety.

    I did feel truly awful in the first week but I think it was because I read the side effects and then I looked out for them. I've been feeling so much better lately, able to go out more and less anxious. I'm having a bad today today but I think that is because I have my period.

    I've been keeping a diary blog (link below) to record how I've been feeling every day since I've been on it, so feel free to visit. You can see in the first week I was in a terrible state and I've been getting better every day, hopefully you will start to improve now you are through the first week...don't lose hope, keep on taking them.

    If you still feel no improvement after a month go back and see your doc, everyone is different so what works for one person may not work for another. There are lots of other similar meds which you can try.

    Jo x
    Your mind is powerful, it can make you feel terrible and can just as easily make you feel great!

  6. #6

    Re: Does fluoxetine really work for anxiety and panic attacks?

    I have taken fluoxetine on two seperate occasions.

    I am in my 6th year of depression which led to high anxiety with panic attacks.

    1st taking - 1year duration. 3rd year of depression. I would fluctuate between mania and real rock bottom depression. I attribute my increased levels of anxiety to this period. I was however leading an active lifestyle and my alcohol consumption was moderate.

    2nd taking - 6months. 5th year of depression. I initially started to feel better but then the effects started to wear off. The doseage was doubled and I started to feel increased levels of anxiety. These effects started to wear off and I ended the treatment. Alcohol consumption was 0.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Does fluoxetine really work for anxiety and panic attacks?

    I was on it for about a year and it didn't touch the panic and anxiety - just helped with the depression.

    I just took myself off if in the end as it seemed pointless being on it!

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  8. #8

    Re: Does fluoxetine really work for anxiety and panic attacks?

    I think they are gd i heard they get ris of somet out u brain witch doesnt make u so anxcious btw i took me about 2months till it started working

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Does fluoxetine really work for anxiety and panic attacks?

    I took it years ago as a teenager for OCD. It didn't help a lot. I went on it again in Dec'07 for anxiety and it helped a bit but then I had huge stressors all at once and it didn't seem to help at all. Then I got over the stress and was doing great on 20mg Prozac and truly thought my anxious days were over! I weaned off but in about a month, the anxiety/panic symptoms returned and I have just gone back on one week ago due to anxiety symptoms causing agoraphobia!! So we will see if it helps this time. Hope it works for you!
    btw...for me the worst side effects were the lack of libido and blunted feelings.

  10. #10

    Re: Does fluoxetine really work for anxiety and panic attacks?

    I took it 10 years ago after a very very bad incident (two children killed) not mine, but say no more......

    I was left tramatised, depressed anxious, stressed, you name it I felt it... though I manged to cope and only symptom people saw was the stress side I was very snappy when usually I am a very patient person.

    I took fluxotine (prozac) and for me they were the best thing ever! within 6 months to a year I was back to me, I had gained enough confidence to go back out to work after being home with kids. 6 years on I have done well for myself, but prone to panic attacks anxiety and stress, (due to a long list of reasons I will not bore any with) I have been prescibed Citalopram and scared witless about taking them after reading post, not critising post, they were very honest and informative, but not reassuring enough to make me want to take them. If I take anything, I would prefer fluxotine, however, no two people are alike, what worked for me may not work for you... But hope info helps..
    Every Cloud has a Silver Lining - keep looking up

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