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Thread: Emetophobia and Norovirus

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Emetophobia and Norovirus

    Hi Ellie

    I really know how you feel as I am an emmet and also work in a hospital. I feel that everyone is a potetial carrier and wash my hands at times until they are sore.

    I wipe the telephone handset, door handle and taps in my room with an alcohol wipe when I start work which may seem extreme but it is all things I have been taught on training courses.

    I heard a radio article today that said that this years outbreak was not as bad as last, so that MAY give you some comfort.

    I interrogated someone at work today who told me they knew of four people who had rang in sick. I must come across as such a weirdo at times, I just can't help it. But it's good to know I am not alone.

    Take care and you WILL get through it, we ALL will.
    Andrea xx

  2. #12

    Re: Emetophobia and Norovirus

    I'm new to this site, i've been reading all your posts, it is comforting to know that im not alone with my fear.

    I've been considering counsilling but not sure if its the right way to go about it.
    My 5 year old nephew has just been sent home from school with the horrific bug, we are due to see them on Sunday for a big family xmas meal (My husbands family) but am full of panic now incase it gets passed round in his house and we catch it. My 4 year old son will be all over them so im extreemly worried! This christmas needs to be good for us as the last 2 have been terrible. (Lost my Dad first then horrid family issues the 2nd time!)

    I just dont know what to do. :-(

  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Emetophobia and Norovirus

    Houston, I'm so glad you've found this site .

    I REALLY feel for you - I wouldn't be able to go anywhere near someone who'd had it. I know that's no help for you but guess I'm just trying to say i can understand why you are so scared.

    PM me anytime you want to talk.

    More wards have been closed in my hospital today, the newpapers are full of it and I am at breaking point with the worry. I don't know what to do about it either.

    Keep in touch...
    big hugs,

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Emetophobia and Norovirus

    Wards are closed EVERY SINGLE YEAR - all through the year too. Its only now that you hear about it.

    Panic attacks started in 1992. 1998 i became agoraphobic which lead into being room bound. Couldn't even get upstairs. 2002 i started getting better, able to drive and work. 2005 i became house bound again. 2009 i have been making SLOW progress, still not able to go anywhere alone, but my journeys are getting longer. No where near 'normal' but at least i can go out.

  5. #15

    Re: Emetophobia and Norovirus

    Thank you Ellie. xxx

  6. #16

    Unhappy Re: Emetophobia and Norovirus

    hi all

    i just wanted to say what a relief it is to finally hear that others suffer from this hell. I have suffered from Emetophobia for as long as i can remember and no one around me understands the fear involved. My parents have always told me that as i get older i will grow out of it - how wrong they were! im 26 now and things are slowly but surely getting worse. I am desperate to have a baby but just cant bring myself to do it because the very thought of being sick or feeling sick terrifies me!!! I havent been sick for many years (touch wood) but i dread the day that it actually happens.

    After so many years of being too embarrased to visit my gp to ask for help i finally got the courage to do so recently and was told that my fear did not sound serious enough and therefore he was not willing to offer me any form of CBT or counselling. Has anyone else experienced this? i am now at a place where i do not know where to go for help. After reading all of your stories i feel a little bit better and think i may go back again and try to seek some help.

    I would love to deal with this myself (i am always told to stop being so stupid and get on with it) but i am not quite sure where to start - any ideas? and now with this winter vomiting bug hanging around i could really use some advice.

    Sorry for the long ess- i am new to this game and am not too sure how this works.


  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Emetophobia and Norovirus


    Just recovered from this nasty little bug Noro virus or winter sickness. Well my too youngest kids got it first one after the other. They wer being sick for about 24 hours then it leaves you with a headache and a sore mouth and taste buds that make even chocolate taste bad. I have to say its great for the weight loss. It took me 48 hours. No really its not too bad. I was told by my docs to get as many viruses as possible while I am young and fit as they will build my immunity for when I am old and frail. Me and my kids mix in close groups with lots of City viruses flying around. I think its great and tick a big box in my mind whenever I get a cold or flu virus as I know I cant get that one again. It also kick starts the lazy immunity system. The knack is not to get one straight after the other or they can drag over weeks because your immunity has taken a knock. Every year I suffer less and less colds and flu.

    In my eyes use it or lose it. Just look at the most remote island in the world Tristan da Cuna. No exposure to viruses and the inhabitants cant leave there island.

    It really wasn't bad my youngest was laughing while he was being sick as he nearly covered his dad.

    Exposure is the best therapy.

    Hope this helps..

    Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Emetophobia and Norovirus

    Hi Mee

    It is great to hear that the bug isn't that bad but for an emmt even feeling sick sets off a panic attack and hours of anxiety. It is impossile for us to rationalise it like you do by ticking off another virus. It's like a life and death situation for someone who has emmetaphobia. I know that sounds very melodramatic, but that's how it feels. You really don't believe you are going to survive.

    However it is comforting to know that the bug isn't as bad as the scare mongering media make out.
    Andrea xx

  9. #19

    Re: Emetophobia and Norovirus

    Hiya, Ive got emetophobia and i've had it for, well... since i can remember so thats quite long. I now have a daughter too and it absolutly terrifies me at the thought she will get ill. Shes been ill twice since september, and was very very sick and i was soo scared. Last night my boyfriend had the shivers and was VERY VERY violently sick, the sound of him throwing up made me so nervous that i got a bad stomach ache and couldnt sleep. I am now scared im going to catch it, although he thinks its a bad sausage he had from the chip shop but i think its a bug. Last year was horrible too and i cant bare the thought of having this year. I live on my own too cus my boyfriend doesnt always stay. Ahhh what to do.!! I need to be cured .. :(
    I need fixing!

  10. #20
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Emetophobia and Norovirus

    How are things Naomi? I so feel for you.

    I'm feeling really low today and just want to hide away.

    Hoping things aren't too bad for you


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