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Thread: i dont feel real..

  1. #1

    i dont feel real..

    Basically i think i have a thing called Derealization. This is where i feel like everything around me isnt real. some days it isnt that bad and other days its quite bad! i have been suffering from this since about september last year. its freaked me out so much before that i have literally felt the need to touch everything around me just to make sure its there. I have sat out in the cold before just to see if the feeling of being cold would make me feel normal but hasnt really helped that much! i must admit it has got better but it is still there . i was just wondering if anyone else has had it and can help me.

    I want to know if it is caused by anxiety or is there something wrong with me ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: i dont feel real..

    I'm very sorry that you are feeling like this. I feel like this too but usually only when my depression is very bad. There are various ways which I use to get back in touch with my feelings and myself. Exercise is good something like swimming ( I do this) or something where I can build up a sweat! Music (preferably live) and of course sex ( I know this can be difficult sometimes) Any thing that puts you in touch with yourself again. It doesn't matter if you express emotions like crying it is probably better if this happens. I hope you start to feel better soon.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: i dont feel real..

    I have the exact same thing, I've been having it since I've got anxiety.
    I think it's normal because it happens to all the anxious people I've been talking to. I guess when we worried about something our body is so much tense that is gonna be tired afterword and give you all these symptoms.
    I wouldn't worried, I don't!
    Try not to worry about anything for a while and take a 'mental holiday' and then your head should feel better and rested. I'm trying to do that myself, but not easy at all.
    I hope you'll feel better!
    The body was made capable to heal itself, you can overcome any illness, all you need is just a positive mind

  4. #4

    Re: i dont feel real..

    Thanks for your advise. i have done exercise and yeah that can help. One of my fears is not being in touch with music as much as i used to! My passion is music and sometimes i worry that when i go to gigs i wont feel it like i used to, this happened when i went to a coldplay gig and i felt quite awful after cos i didn't get the 'feeling'. i do when i look back now but i didn't at the time! :( i had quite a bad thing last year and im not sure if this has come as a result of that! if that makes sense. my family think i get like this at times when a big decision needs to be made like i got it when i had to start college and im getting it now when i have to choose my uni and stuff. but it just seems like this has been going on for too long and this come when i was perfectly fine with what was going on.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: i dont feel real..

    last night i went to bed worrying about my health. i woke up at various points in the night feeling like i didnt weigh anything and just feeling like my body wasnt real! is this one of the things it does? because i thought i was dying and couldn't feel my body!

  6. #6

    Re: i dont feel real..

    It sounds like derealization dont worry to much, personally i have never experienced that however one time i did feel like i had to control over my body, it felt as if someone else was controlling me and my thoughts. from what i have read that does sound like it, did you feel detached from your body??

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: i dont feel real..

    i know how you feel =)) i had derealization for months... its absolutely a normal symptom of anxiety. a book called "the power of now" by ekhart tolle really helped me out

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: i dont feel real..


    Yes I get this too sometimes. My psychologist told me about grounding techniques. If you google it you will find a few ideas.

    I have had depersonalisation and derealisation during high anxiety and panic and it is frightening but have recently been dissociating and experiencing both. Grounding helps you to feel real again.

    Hope this helps


  9. #9

    Re: i dont feel real..

    thank you very much!!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: i dont feel real..

    I've been getting this a lot lately and it seems to be a new symptom for me. I think it is a contributing along with my bad anxiety at the moment. I have heard that they go hand in hand.

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