Hi Sharon,

I am still trying to figure out if my symptoms are peri-menopause or just anxiety/stress related. I have an appointment on 4/6 with my GYN and I am hoping to get some answers then when he retests my hormonal levels and I discuss my symptoms with him.

Since my post on 2/24/09, I've only had mild symptoms of dizziness & lightheadedness. I am keeping track of my symptoms on a daily basis. I wish I had thought to do that 10 weeks ago when the symptoms started, but I was too worried and freaked out to even think straight. I actually felt like I was in a frozen state of mind. I couldn't eat, I couldn't work, I was having awful crying spells, I was an emotional wreck, until I found this website and read everyone elses stories. It really made me feel alot better and since then I've been following some of the advice of other people, like keeping a daily log of my symptoms. I noticed last month that my symptoms (dizziness, lightheadedness, crying spells, very high anxiety, anxiety attacks, shaking, insomnia, waking up throughout the night, breast tenderness) did get worse the closer I got to my period. For the past 11 months my periods have been irregular in that I either get 2 periods a month, none at all, or I skip a month, or I skip 3-5 months. I never know when I'm going to get it and/or if I'm going to get it. I am really anxious to meet with my gyn so i can go over my symptoms with him. He may have a different opinion/diagnosis about my symptoms than my PC had when he told me my hormonal testing (that I had done in January) was within "normal" range. Fortunately, I don't have high blood pressure so I can't comment on whether your symptoms are related to that or peri-menopause, but don't give up getting an answer. In the meantime, good luck with your BP and heart monitor testing. Please let me know how you make out with that. I am curious to know if your symptoms are peri-menopause related.