ok so after waiting 4 months i finally get a call saying they had received a letter from my Doctor etc etc and they told me a date at the end of april for my referral appointment - so actually 5 month wait - great!

Im worried though - the woman sounded about 2 years older than my doctor so about 16. She also seemed rather drippy and she is a psychologist rather than a psychiatrist. I dont mean to sound like a snob but i really wanted to speak to someone who was actually medically trained ie a psychiatrist rather than someone with a 2 bob psychology degree from their local polytechnic.

So now im stressing and i dont think that i will be able to talk to her, i was really looking forward to seeing someone who i could be 100% honest with and tell them everything and get it all off my shoulders. My Dr tries to help but as he even admitted at my last appointment "he doesnt know too much about it" even though i have seen him 5 times since January you would have thought he might have done a bit of research.

anyway what is the first appointment going to be like?