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Thread: Please can someone talk me through this ?

  1. #1

    Please can someone talk me through this ?


    im new to this forum and its very good!!

    I had an ultrasound scan on my uterus and ovaries on saturday because of some abdo pain and past history of fertility drugs, which have made me paranoid.

    The radiographer said she could see some cysts in both of my ovaries which totally freaked me out. She said dont go away worrying, there is nothing to worry about, so i didnt ...until today :(

    She said book an appointment with your Doctor for 10 days time and i will scan you again in 6 weeks time. I was shocked that i got a call from my Doctors this morning to go pick up a blood test form. I panicked thinking how quick it was from radiologist tio Doctor, but maybe being a Saturday she was just trying to tie up all her reports by faxing them through to Doctors.

    On the form was "ovarian cysts" and the request was for a CA25 marker test to be carried out. I freaked and rang the pathologist at the hspital and he reassured me that if any cysts are ever present the first thing they do is test the blood doing the CA25 test.

    I had the test done immediately and am now waiting 2 days for the FREAKING out, one part of my brain is saying "dont be silly she said she wasnt concerned" the other part is saying why the heck has the GP got hold of me so quick?"

    Im terrified i have ovarian cancer, i had a lot of fertility treatment about 10 years ago, and ive looked at some of the symptoms of OC and i have them :(

    Has anyone else been trough this, im sick with worry, so stressed.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Please can someone talk me through this ?

    Falcon, the pathologist is correct. Have you ever noticed that when you are sent for a test, the dr. will write "R/O" such and such. They put Rule Out because they look at the worst case scenario for your benefit and to cover themselves. However, when we see R/O Cancer, our minds hardly focus on anything but the word cancer or tumor or whatever they're trying to rule out!

    Your dr. is doing the right thing, just trying to rule out other possibilities (NOT probabilities). It's their job to do don't freak the way, I believe it's 125, not 25 (unless this is a new one I don't know about). Either way, try to keep busy until then, the waiting is so stressful, I think we have all been there. I had to wait a week for a cancer report, just last month and we just feels lousy but kind of go with it...accept that you will feel lousy until you know but try to distract yourself with tv...clean house (that helps me) and please let us know the results!

  3. #3

    Re: Please can someone talk me through this ?

    Thanks Lauren,

    Yes it is the C125 i got it wrong.

    Yes its the waiting that sets me off, i hate it, im so scared. But i am a cancer phobic, although i have been brilliant for about 5 years now, but this has brought it all to the front again, and im not coping too well.

    What will happen once the test comes back? do you know? have you been thru this?

    I will keep you posted of the result. thanks again

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Please can someone talk me through this ?

    I had an ovarian cyst 18 years ago when I was pregnant with my first baby. It wasn't there at the start of the pregnancy or they would have seen it on the scan but by then end of my pregnancy I was having a lot of pain which was shooting up my back and made me sick, sweaty and shaking. I was like this for two weeks and they hadn't a clue what was wrong with me. It was three weeks after I gave birth to my son that I went to the doctors because the pain was still there but not quite as bad and the doctor did an internal and said she thought I had a cyst. She sent me straight to the hospital for a scan and then I went home. I then got a call from the doctor to say I had to go back to the hospital right away to see the consultant. I went and they said I had an ovarian cyst which was as big as a grapefruit. I then had to leave it two weeks to see if it went down and then go back again. I went back and the consultant said that it hadn't gone down any so he wanted to operate the week after. I wasn't really that concerned at this point and I had to have some blood tests done. The week after when I went to see the consultant before my admission I stupidly asked if it could be cancer and the consultant said yes it could be because something in my blood test was higher than it should be. I spent that week in floods of tears because I was convinced I had cancer. They had done the CA125 test which I knew nothing about then.

    I went in hospital and had my cyst, ovary and tube removed and they gave me the results a day or so later that the ovary was healthy and everything was fine. They said that I had some small cysts on the other ovary but they left those. My cyst had stangulated though so that's what was causing all the pain and my baby kicking it didn't help.

    So the CA125 test can be wrong if it gives a high reading because mine was high and I didn't have cancer. Other things can give a high reading which are nothing to do with cancer.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Please can someone talk me through this ?

    I had ovarian cysts and fiborids back in August 2008 - had a lot of pain with them.

    Went for a scan in March this year and the cysts had gone on their own - which happens a lot.

    I still have the fibroids but they don't do anything with them at my age.

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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Please can someone talk me through this ?

    I had a strangulated ovarian cyst 30 years ago and it and the ovary affected were removed. I had many small cysts in the other ovary, but they scooped them out and left one ovary. Benign ovarian cysts are really very common and I am sure yours is just that. They do have to do tests to rule out anything else. If you go to have a skin tag removed even, they will send it for testing as a matter of course. Please try not to worry. XX

  7. #7

    Re: Please can someone talk me through this ?

    Thank you everyone. I think I may get the CA125 result tomorrow. One part of me is trying not to panic because it isnt very conclusive, but the other part is if it comes back high i will freak out and automatically think i have ovarian cancer. Im so scared.

  8. #8

    Re: Please can someone talk me through this ?


    I got the result of my CA125 tonight and everything is fine all normal, im so relieved i have made myself sick in the last 24hrs with worry.

    i still have the cysts so im going to Docs to discuss way forward with them, thaks for your support

  9. #9

    Re: Please can someone talk me through this ?

    Quote Originally Posted by falcon View Post

    I got the result of my CA125 tonight and everything is fine all normal, im so relieved i have made myself sick in the last 24hrs with worry.

    i still have the cysts so im going to Docs to discuss way forward with them, thaks for your support
    I'm really pleased your CA125 came back normal, brilliant news

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Please can someone talk me through this ?

    Cool, Falcon! I also made myself sick for 7 days waiting for a cancer result (not this kind though). I wanted to shoot myself for worrying so much needlessly but it's my nature. I am trying to change. This is great news, glad you posted it!

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