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Thread: Hard lump inside chin...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Hard lump inside chin...

    Ugh, second post in like 2 hours...
    This time it is a request...

    Since I am so worried about oral cancer I just cant stop feeling/checking my mouth, jaw ect...I felt a hard thing inside my chin, just in the soft area under it...

    So I got a request...could some people please look up & press their thumb against the soft area just under the chin and tell me if you feel a small hard bump there..? I'm hoping that its just somekind of bone or somethingthat is supposed to just be there...Together with the red lump under my tongue that I noticed earlier this is absolutely driving me insane at this point, went so good for the past days...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Hard lump inside chin...

    No I do not feel that, but please bear in mind, you may have had it all your life but only just noticed it now when you have started investigating. As I have said before, I have been through the whole oral cancer fears. Sometimes it comes back. I have a little hard lump just by my saliva ducts under my tongue which concerned me, but Im pretty sure its always been there and ive only just found it. The lump under your chin could be a blind boil... a mass. Ive had one in my cheek for about 6 weeks now, that for a while I decided was skin cancer. The problem Ive found is the more I investigate, the more I find things I wasnt aware of. Sometimes I feel like an alien. The way I dealt with it was to write a list of all the things I suspected I had and ask myself how likely it actually was that I had all of them. What makes you think oral cancer? are you a smoker? I was. This is the cause of my fears.... something tells me im gonna be punished for smoking. Hence my current worries about lung cancer. Its never ending isnt it. The self checking process is the first place to start cutting back. The more you do it the more it will fuel your anxiety. My "checking process" got so bad before christmas, that I had to set my alarm every 30 minutes through the night to check nothing had happened to me. Im still worrying. I have blue instead of white eyes and i have a vibration in my left rib and my bdy is trembling inside all the time. Im not anxious. But it happens anyway. Can I ask how your anxiety started? Was it triggered by an event at all?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Hard lump inside chin...

    Thank you xfilme,

    My anxiety started several month's ago...It started off with a swollen lymph node behind my ear, I didn't even know what a Lymph Node was,my parents explained it to me..I madea big mistake of googling for more information...

    The more i learned the worse my anxiety got, I also started frequently checking my self & finding pics and stuff (This was all before I found this site)

    Now I've allmost got an addiction to self checking and lumps are things that scare me the most, such as the one in my throat...I also have a red swelling on the exit of the "Saliva ducts" under my tongue...Which is scaring me to...

    Now in my mind I unfortionatly immedietly connect these to eachother, red swelling under tongue, hard bump in my chin...Hard Lymph Node? Hard Lymph Node is a sign of spread cancer & its located VERY close to it...

    So it drives me crazy like that...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Hard lump inside chin...

    if its any help, the chances of you having cancer at your age are VERY slim x oral cancer in itself is rare.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Hard lump inside chin...

    Yeah I know...But there is one really that im still very scared, and this is something nobody except my parents know about me, but I dont mind sharing here since it is anonymous anyway hehe,

    I am currently 20, and I still suck my thumb when I sleep...
    This makes me think about how much junk I might have gotten in my mouth and well...makes me feel asif I have a huge risk...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Hard lump inside chin...

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraggy View Post
    Yeah I know...But there is one really that im still very scared, and this is something nobody except my parents know about me, but I dont mind sharing here since it is anonymous anyway hehe,

    I am currently 20, and I still suck my thumb when I sleep...
    This makes me think about how much junk I might have gotten in my mouth and well...makes me feel asif I have a huge risk...
    I understand your concern, but please be aware cancer is caused by mutation of cells and not bacteria.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Hard lump inside chin...

    Hrmm, I didn't think of it like that...

    Well I guess I'll just try to convince myself it is nothing for the weekend..Thank you..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Hard lump inside chin...

    Yes Kraggy..I have hardish lump on both sides under my chan and have had for believe it is quite normal!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Hard lump inside chin...

    Hi Kraggy - I've freaked out about oral cancer too - and so also spent ages checking for things...... and have also found lumps in the soft bit under my chin....... don't know what they are.... they don't seem to grow though.....
    hope this helps.....

  10. #10

    Re: Hard lump inside chin...

    I wonder if a routine dental x-ray might rule out anything serious in your jaw. In the last couple years, I've noticed my dentist and orthodontist have switched over to x-ray machines that get a picture of your whole jaw and not just your teeth. I know this because my orthodontist actually saw something in my jaw x-ray that she was worried about and mentioned the possibility of a tumor (which she said are usually benign). She showed it to her husband, who is an oral surgeon, and you know what it was? A space left in my jaw from where my salivary glands formed before I was born. Ha.

    So, if you think getting it checked out would help calm your fears, see if there's a dentist that can do this as part of your normal tooth cleaning. I bet there are a lot of things you could be feeling that are not cancer.

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