I think they must be related, ive also had a close friend dying of cancer whos only 24 and now I guess health anxiety along with the panic attacks is very possible.
Its strange how I talk alot of sense but it doesnt recognise in my brain.
I also feel at the moment that there isnt much sense to my life at the moment, my job is difficult which doesnt help panic, i dont have much family and my friends do their best but I feel very lost.
I did struggle with life after my Mum died in 2006, financially, emotionally but didnt truly grieve i dont think.
I get so frustrated that 2 weeks ago I was bouncing and confident and relatively enjoying life and now I feel im having a breakdown.
Ive been tempted to ring NHS Direct again but I know what their answers will be, even tho I feel my body shutting down Im sure it would be more painful if it was lethal!
I look forward to the day I can breath normally, feel fresh and relaxed and go out for long periods and just enjoy myself