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Thread: Propanalol/Mirtazapine/Amitriptyline

  1. #1


    Hi, I am on Mirtazapine 45mg at night and also Propanalol 30mg daily and my GP has just prescribed Amitriptyline 25mg at night to help me sleep, has anybody else taken this along with Propanalol?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Propanalol/Mirtazapine/Amitriptyline

    You have to trust your doctor in his choices and then see how it goes yourself.

    I was on 20mg Mirtazipine for 8 months, worked wavy for me. and 10mg of propaolol at the same time. Then anxiety encreased and became too much for me and stopped working at all. After break started cipralex and been on it for 3 y. Mirtazipine though is considered a good innovative medication, and especially for children, young people and adults.

    As for the amitriptiline, it is antipsychotic and generally can be taken with the antidepressant (mirtazipine in your case) and propanolol in to stop the increased heartbeats and to cam you phisically. Amitriptiline made me very loopy when I took it for 2 days. I was undergoing a pretty traumatic period and needed sedation, but amitirptiline was too much even for me then.

    See how you feel, depends on the level of your anxiety and depression and symptoms. Maybe you really need them all together.

    if you trust your doctor, then he is right.

    Take care
    Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is mystery, and today is a real gift, thats why it is called PRESENT

  3. #3

    Re: Propanalol/Mirtazapine/Amitriptyline

    Thanks for that, just a bit worried re the side effect of Amitriptyline being increased heart rate/beats, is that something you got when taking this?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Propanalol/Mirtazapine/Amitriptyline

    i had with mirtazipine and i was having them very often.
    Thats why he presctribed propanalol to decrease heart rate.

    Amitriptiline is good for panic states. It can possibly give all sorts of side effects as well.
    Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is mystery, and today is a real gift, thats why it is called PRESENT

  5. #5

    Re: Propanalol/Mirtazapine/Amitriptyline

    I to take mirtazapine 10mg assists sleep also now take propanalol if going into unknown or known bad situations works fairly well. only problem makes me look through myself as if i,m standing at the back looking on.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Propanalol/Mirtazapine/Amitriptyline

    Amitriptyline is actually an anti-depressant, one of the old style ones. My mum takes a low dose for trigeminal neuralgia.

    I've been on propranolol on an as needed basis, with mirtazapine - and occasional zopiclone. I'm now just on the mirt., and in homeopathic treatment. I found the prop. did decrease the worst of my panic, but it made me feel more depressed and apt to dissociate - because it suppresses the physical effects, which, in my case, were caused my past trauma, and need to be expressed. But when my panic was through the roof, especially when I was withdrawing from efexor! - it did the trick.

  7. #7

    Re: Propanalol/Mirtazapine/Amitriptyline

    Thanks for everybody's replies, much appreciated am not sure whether I will take the amitriptyline as I didn't think you could take two different anti-depressants together, but I am sure the doc knows best, does anybody have any first hand experience of taking two different anti-depressants together?


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Propanalol/Mirtazapine/Amitriptyline

    I have taken propanalol and amitriptyline for years. 40mgm of propanalol a day and 10mgm trip at nightime. Should be fine. XXXX

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Propanalol/Mirtazapine/Amitriptyline

    Dear Banana I was taking dothiepin and mirtazapine as well as lithium together. I needed an add on as I was going through a crisis and a relapse. Like amitryptyline dothiepin is an older antidepressant. I no longer take the mirtazapine as I was putting on too much weight. It worked well as an anti depressant though. My recent experiences of trying to come off dothiepin have been less than favourable ie introducing another anti depressant. Doctors know that the older tricyclics work well although they are more toxic in overdose and NICE guidelines are to encourage people to come off them unless no other alternatives can be found.

  10. #10

    Re: Propanalol/Mirtazapine/Amitriptyline

    Thanks for your reply Elizabeth, what strength of anti depressant were you and did you have any side effects?


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