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Thread: im so sick of anxiety.

  1. #1

    im so sick of anxiety.

    does anyone else get severe throat syptoms during anxiety? ive noticed that lately my throat feels like it tightens up and it becomes very hard to swallow and if i think about it too hard ill start to feel like i cant breath or like i have something stuck in my throat, also the back and front of my neck becomes very sore like it aches. i get bad cotton mouth too and my jaw will clench up. almost feels like the muscles in my throat and jaw are pulsating in a very uncomfortable way.

    i alweys try and deal with my anxiety by myself without depending on my xanax but when it gets too intense and im sick of dealing with it and i feel like im about to die, i chew my xanax up so they hit me faster and just curl up in a ball on my bed untill i feel somewhat better, it can last for hours and im really sick of it. my nose twitches horribly bad too and i hyper ventalate. its really starting to fustrate me. i smoke cigarrettes which im sure makes my anxiety a lot worse but its so hard to quit. i also suffer from OCD which causes alot of anxiety. i went to the doctor last week and he said its all in my head. im constently worrying all the time what if, what if, what if and im so sick of being paranoid about it. i just am alweys afraid im going to die and this is no way to live. im only 24yrs old and feel like a mess. i have my good days but when i get a bad one it feels like the end of the world. i guess i just want to know that other people suffer from these same symtoms and any advice would be great to help me deal with this. i have posted a similar thread before but i just need some support. thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: im so sick of anxiety.

    hi there, i know where your coming from. i have been suffering from anxiety for about 3 months now, and all the symptoms that come with it are all new to me , so scared the hell out of me.
    most of my syptoms are throat related, constantly swallowing all the time, tightness around my adams apple, jaw line, feeling like a lump in my throat. i to smoke alot but sometimes i feel like it makes my syptoms worse.
    my whole body feels so weak some days, like today as im writing this i feel strange, i start to get very tearful, the top of my mouth feels sore, don't want to eat as fear of choking. i sit here sometimes and feel like im going mad, telling myself its alll in my head, but it takes days sometimes to ease off. its very fraustrating for my partner as he don't know what to do to help apart from leave me alone and not talk to me, as he knows sometimes i just want to be quiet.
    i have been to the doctors so many times, and been told that it will ease off and to take anti depressents, but i don't want to take pills so i am now waiting for an appointment for CBT, and hopefully that will help.
    i really do feel for you, and in a weird way its nice to know that i'm not alone in getting this.
    hope you start to feel better soon

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: im so sick of anxiety.

    Yup I have had the throat thing for a long long time - about 3 years now.

    Have a read through the posts in the throat forum and you will see you are not alone.

    “Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbitt

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: im so sick of anxiety.


    Argh the dreaded throat thing!! I have been reduced to tears with this symptom because it is just such a scary feeling.

    Make sure you're not walking around with your tongue on the roof of your mouth or your shoulders hunched because that indicates tensionand can cause this symptom. I know it's a horrible feeling hun but like other symptoms of anxiety, it won't harm you.

    Take care
    "It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice". Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself and you won't go far wrong.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: im so sick of anxiety.

    I too have had probs with throat could'nt even swallow food it got that bad! It's all anxiety over all that and now dealing with all day long hyperventilating which has been really stressing me this causes chest tightness and pain! The twitching i use to get this in various parts of my face when feeling really stressed out at the moment i keep getting it in my arm!
    At times it does get really over-bearing and terrifying when new symptoms arise ..thats why its great to have a place like this site to come to'll always find some-one that has had the same thing ...which can ease some of the worry! Hope things get better for you soon take care Jodiex

  6. #6

    Re: im so sick of anxiety.

    i always find my self sniffleing(sP?) even tho i dont have a runny nose and find my self coughing as i feel something in my throat but the most annoying thing i do and i have no idea why is what i call a "fake burp" seems to make me think it helps me breathe better.

    and im in ur boat dude, im 21 and this anx/PA/paranoya is all skating on very thin ice with me.

    i tend to find computer games help me.. (takes my miind off)

    but its all in our heads.

  7. #7

    Re: im so sick of anxiety.

    thanks guys, today i feel better but my throat feels sore, kinda like from all the nervous twitching and trying to swallow and feel normal again my muscles just ache. are there any remedies anyone can recommend when going threw this kind of thing that help? like a warm drink of some kind or anything like that. i went into full panic mode last night and it was horribly scary. i almost alweys calm myself down before i reach that point but last night was just very intense.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: im so sick of anxiety.


    Apart from a massage around the neck/head & shoulders i would suggest a mouthguard.

    Can get these done by the dentist

    Wearin this at night relaxes the muscles down from the neck/throat & head relieving or easing symptoms

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: im so sick of anxiety.

    Hi there

    I can understand the throat thing. My anxiety has returned this week and my throat is really sore, thought I was getting a cold or something.

    My worse thing though is my neck and arms, the feel like they have electric running through them all of the time and my stomach feels like it has been hit with a bus!!

    I am really wanting to know why our body has these strange side affects to anxiety/panic?

    Jackie xx

  10. #10

    Re: im so sick of anxiety.

    I've been getting anxiety for about 6-7 weeks now and this is one symptom that persists with me. It's horrible, as soon as i feel the 'bubble' in my throat i start thinking the worst, then get really sweaty hand and nausea.
    I'm only 19 and NEVER had this before, it is so scary.
    Every one tells me to think about positive stuff when i feel this, and it does work to some extent otherwise i try to busy my mind by doing something else.

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